The region of Latin America was most significantly influenced by __________ colonization. A. French and Swedish B. Spanish and Portuguese C. English and Dutch D. French and Dutch


Answer 1


Option B.


Spanish and Portuguese, is the right answer.

Latin America came into light following the discovery of the New World by the Europeans. Latin America was primarily colonised by Spain however during the course of time some other countries such as France and Portugal also colonized the region. The administration of Spain and Portugal imposed Roman Catholicism as the faith of Latin Americans.

Answer 2
Answer: the answer is B. Spanish and Portuguese

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These statements describe the relationship between poverty and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa. Select all that apply. People depend heavily on the land for their basic needs. Poor people are able to spend a lot of time on environmental concerns. Survival needs come before environmental protection efforts. Most of the region's poor people live in urban areas.


The relationship between poverty and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa:

These statements describe the relationship between poverty and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • People depend heavily on the land for their basic needs.
  • Poor people are able to spend a lot of time on environmental concerns.
  • Survival needs come before environmental protection efforts.

This is because there is an extreme poverty in the sub-Saharan Africa and is caused by political and social issues. There's also exploitation in oil-rich African countries.

What is the impact of poverty on the environment?

The Impact of Poverty on the Environment. Poverty and third world debt has been shown to result in resource stripping just to survive or pay off debts.

Learn more about poverty and the environment


These statements describe the relationship between poverty and the environment in Sub-Saharan Africa:

1) People depend heavily on the land for their basic needs.
2) Survival needs come before environmental protection efforts.

This is because there is an extreme poverty in the sub-Saharan Africa and is caused by political and social issues. There's also exploitation in oil-rich African countries. 

In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith mentions that very good grapes could be grown in Scotland. However, growing high quality grapes in Scotland would be about 30 times as expensive as purchasing grapes from foreign countries. Some nations are better than others at producing things due to the availability of natural resources and other factors.With which statement regarding single resource and diversified economies would Adam Smith most likely agree?


Adam Smith made a case for comparing the profit or production of goods by the nations or peoples who were the best of them and to trade goods at a high cost in terms of Wealth of Nations,

Who was Adam Smith?

Adam Smith was a Scottish economist and philosopher who was a pioneer of political economics and an important figure during the Scottish Enlightenment.

Therefore, Adam Smith was saying that a nation should be different in that it can use its resources to produce goods and services more effectively than other nations and theyshould specialize in the production of goods in which they have.

learn more about Adam Smith, refer:

In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith makes the case for comparative advantage or the production of goods by nations or peoples which they are best at and trading for the goods with a higher opportunity cost. Therefore, he would say that a nation should diversity when it can to use its resources to produce goods and services more efficiently than other nations and also that nations should export and import as many different types of goods as possible. 

According to the law of supply, price and quantity move


According to the law of supply, price and quantity move along a track in the same direction.

Further Explanation


  • Supply is the quantity of goods or services that suppliers are willing to supply to the market at a particular price.  
  • Producers and suppliers will supply goods and services at the most favorable market price that id determined by the forces of demand and supply among other factors.

Law of supply

  • According to the law of supply, an increase in price of a good or a service results to an increase in the quantity of goods or services that suppliers are willing to supply.
  • Conversely, a decrease in price on the other hand will result to low supply of quantity of goods and services by the suppliers.
  • For example, a manufacturer would supply more bags of cement in the market if the prices of the bags of cement increases keeping other factors are kept constant.

Supply schedule

  • Supply schedule outlines the relationship between prices of goods and services and the Quantity of goods and services by producers.
  • Quantity of goods and services supplied by the producers varies with the market price.
  • The supply schedule helps us to come up with a law that we call the law of supply which defined the relationship between price and quantity of goods and services supplied.

Keywords: Supply, law of supply, price and quantity supplied

Learn more about

  1. Supply schedule:
  2. Law of supply:
  3. Price determination:
  4. Demand and supply:

Level; High school

Subject: Business

Topic: Demand and supply

Sub-topic: Law of supply

According to the law of supply, price, and quantity move in the same direction.  

Further explanation:

Relationship between price and quantity:

Law of supply implies that with other factors constant, price, and quantity supplied of a good hold a positive relationship. With the rise in price of a good, quantity supplied of that good also rises when other factors are held fixed. Similarly, with other factors held fixed, quantity supplied of a particular good falls with fall in its price.

The rationale behind the law of supply:

The main economic concept behind this is that with an increase in price of a good, profits from producing that good rises with other factors being same. Other factors include cost of production to producers, and with no change in cost and rise in price, producers have an incentive to produce more to enhance their profits. In the same manner, producers have less incentive to produce more when price of the good falls as the profits also lowers down.

Therefore, as per the law of supply, price, and quantity move in the same direction.

Learn more:

        1. Learn more about the Law of demand and supply

        2. Learn more about the  Demand and supply diagram

       3. Learn more about the Demand and type of goods

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Economics

Chapter: Law of supply

Keywords: according, to, law, the law of supply, supply, demand, demand and supply, price, quantity, move, price and quantity, quantity supplied, quantity demanded, market forces, price relationship .