3 and 4
2.The growth of cities
3.Migration to Canada, the U.S, Australia, and New Zealand
4.An increase in the use of coal
Exponential growth is manifested when the rate of change or unit of time of the value of a accurate function of time is proportionate to the function's current rate, appearing in its utility at any time signifying an exponential capacity of time, i.e gathering in which the time rate is the representative.
Be deceived
The rules of the American Psychological Association allow participants to be deceived
Round or oval candies filled with fruit preserves or cream and covered with chocolate are called sugar plum.
Traditional Christmas candies called "sugar plums" are made of crunchy sugar, almonds, and dried fruit. They can have a chocolate coating and are frequently spherical or oval. By the 16th century, the name "sugar plum" had come to refer to an extensive range of candied fruits, nuts, and roots.
In the 17th century, sugar plums were prepared by experienced artisans who spent years as apprentices by coating seeds or nuts with sugar. Since they are composed primarily of dried fruit and toasted almonds and are scented with warm spices, sugar plums are among the healthiest holiday snacks.
Learn more about on sugar plum, here: