The sense organs contain receptors that are sensitive to stimuli.
The nervous system consists of the central nervous system - brain and spinal cord -and peripheral nerves. Nerve impulses travel through the axons of neurones - nerve cells. Reflex actions are fast, automatic and protective responses.
Human vision is binocular, which gives us a good perception of depth. Vision defects include short-sightedness, long-sightedness and colour blindness.
The correct answer is - A. A mutation that causes the code for the wrong amino acid.
The missense mutation is a type of mutation that affects the amino acids of the organisms. This mutation results in a codon that codes a different amino acid rather than the one that should be coded. Because of this it causes a synthesis of a protein with altered amino acid sequence during translation. This type of mutation is basically a change in one DNA base pair that results in the substitution of one amino acid for another one.
The right choice is (A) mutation that causes the code for the wrong amino acid.
In cell biology during when a missense mutation occurs in a DNA molecule, it varies in one of the RNA codon sequences which are made during transcription. The difference produced in codon will then cause a different amino acid to be inserted into a protein during translation process so we can say that a missense mutation is a point mutation in which a single nucleotide change results in a codon that codes for a different amino acid
human activity
The wetlands and the coral reefs have gradually been destroyed by the humans and their activity. The wetlands were the first to be under the human influence and getting destroyed, while the coral reefs have come to have similar destiny in the last century. The reasons for the destruction are different. The wetlands have in general been destroyed on purpose, be it because they were epicenter of diseases, for making more land for agriculture, or making more land for settlements. The coral reefs have not been destroyed on purpose, but the human activity has resulted in lot of pollution of the ocean waters, as well as changes in the climate, and the fragile corals can not adapt quickly enough to these changes, so they die out quickly.