Without this one characteristic, the species would become extinct


Answer 1
Answer: There are many species that might go extinct. The one most endangered: White rhinos, with less than 100 in their population. To help these animals, people fund programs like the WildLife foundation. Today, with technology, we haven't had the time to make a change, these people work hard to make sure these animals get proper care and love. :)
Hope that helps!

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By the end of meiosis, four cells will be created, each with one of the chromatids from the tetrad. Also, don't forget that there are 23 different tetrads formed during meiosis because each chromosome 1-23 will have a tetrad.

Final answer:

In humans, four tetrads form during the synapsis of meiosis.


In humans, a total of four tetrads form during the synapsis of meiosis. Synapsis occurs during Prophase I of meiosis, where homologous chromosomes pair up and form a structure called a bivalent. Each bivalent consists of two pairs of sister chromatids held together by a protein structure called a synaptonemal complex. Since there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans, there will be 46 total tetrads formed during meiosis, as each homologous pair forms a tetrad.

Learn more about Meiosis here:



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This would be natural selection!

Natural selection is the process during which some individuals of a species survive and transfer their genes to heir offspring, and others don't. The ones that did survive mush have had some variation in their genotype that helped their survival.

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Differentiated plant cells and tissues include phloem, xylem, and parenchyma.


  • Differentiation refers to the processes by which distinct types of cells form from precursor cells and become different from each other.  All mature cells in plants are derived from apical meristems, despite their differences.
  • Xylems and phloem cells are cells of the vascular tissue in plants. These cells are highly specialized, with xylem functioning in the transportation of mineral salts and water from the roots to the stems and to the leaves. Phloem on the other hand functions to transport nutrients from the leaves to all the parts of the plant.
  • Parenchyma tissues functions in storage, photosynthesis and as the bulk vascular and ground tissues.


Can someone explain to me what chromosomes are, and also explain briefly and understandably grade 10/ 10th grade biology term 1 with genetics and stuff? Thanks heaps if you can :D


Chromosomes are what the mother and father donate to the fetus in order to compose your basic genetics

The father gives half which is 25 and the mother gives 23

The reason for this is when a baby is being created it is given a gender. That gender is either boy or girl the boy has an added chromosome at the near middle of gestation and the girl lacks that last chromosome so thats why the father gives more chromosomes than the mother
Chromosomes are what the mother and father donate to the fetus in order to compose your basic genetics 

The father gives half which is 25 and the mother gives 23 

The reason for this is when a baby is being created it is given a gender. That gender is either boy or girl the boy has an added chromosome at the near middle of gestation and the girl lacks that last chromosome so thats why the father gives more chromosomes than the mother.

Hope this helps.