Recently scientists have genetically engineered fruit crops to contain vaccines. How might these fruit crops most likely benefit society? A. They could make it cheaper and easier to administer vaccines
B. They could help eradicate all infectious diseases is in the world
C. They could encourage people to eat healthier food
D. They can make fruit cups more productive than they were before


Answer 1
Answer: The best answer to the question stated above is letter A. 

Recently scientists have genetically engineered fruit crops to contain vaccines.They could make it cheaper and easier to administer vaccines. This is how these fruit crops most likely benefit society.
Answer 2

Answer: A) They could make it cheaper and easier to administer vaccines.

Explanation: Edible vaccines are much easier to administer than traditional vaccines that must be injected. Edible vaccines would be cheaper to manufacture than traditional vaccines because the vaccine would be produced by the plant as it grows.

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  • It is harmful because it obviously affects the plant’s ability to survive


Mutations are alterations in the genetic code that may occur due to environmental or chemical mutagens. Mutagens, are substances or agents that induce changes in the genetic code.

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EDGE 2020

Two similar chromosomes that you inherit from your parents are called


Two similar chromosomes that you inherit from your parents are called homologous chromosomes. 

Final answer:

Homologous chromosomes are two similar chromosomes that an individual inherits from their parents. They contain identical gene segments in the same locations, determining specific characteristics or traits. For an example, different gene sequences in these chromosomes determine a trait like human blood type.


Two similar chromosomes you inherit from your parents are called homologous chromosomes. These matched pairs of chromosomes within a diploid organism are the same length and have specific nucleotide segments, called genes, at the same location. These genes, which are found on the homologous chromosomes, determine specific characteristics by coding for specific proteins, also known as traits.

One chromosome of a homologous pair is inherited from each parent. For instance, human blood type, a certain trait, is determined by three possible gene sequences (A, B, O) that can be found on these chromosomes.

Learn more about Homologous Chromosomes here:


Explain the difference between an infection caused by a fungus and an allergy caused by a fungus


Re-posting some old information I found on this website

When a fungus infects a body, it attacks the host by destroying and often taking over cells. When a person has an allergic reaction (to anything) the substance triggers the body to send histamines and excess water to the affected area, swelling and closing the area to prevent infection. - Answer Provided by ChaoticPiece

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called what?


 the answer to that question is embryo

A botanist wants to observe the change in rate of growth of plants compared to the change in amount of rainfall on randomly selected days. Which one of the following tools would be the best choice for representing this data?


The botanist will use "Auxanometer" for that !!!

Hope this helps!


Line and scatter plot is the answer


Research indicates that using _____ techniques has many positive effects on physical and psychological health.


I believe the answer is mindfulness techniques. 

Mindfulness techniques aim is to make the person focus their attention on the present moment. The techniques help them to feel their body sensation and more aware of their thought.  The example of mindfulness techniques is meditation, which is founded to be linked with positive effects on physical and psychological health in many research.

Final answer:

The question refers to various stress reduction techniques which have been shown in research to have numerous benefits for both physical and psychological health. These techniques include exercise (both short and long duration), social support networks, and interventions involving positive psychology.


The subject of the question is referring to various stress reduction techniques. Research has shown that these techniques provide numerous benefits for both physical and psychological health. These techniques cover a wide array, including exercise, social support networks, and positive psychology tactics.

Exercise, both of long and short duration, has been proven to be beneficial for physical and mental health (Salmon, 2001). It is found that physically fit individuals are more resistant to the adverse effects of stress and recover more quickly.

Social support networks too have favorable impacts on health outcomes. They offer several beneficial physiological effects in stressful situations and lead to better health behaviors.

Lastly, interventions involving positive psychology, such as documenting three good things that happened each day, also led to an enduring increase in happiness and reduced stress (Seligman et al., 2005).

Mental health therapies often utilize a combination of these techniques to enhance the psychological and physical well-being of individuals.

Learn more about Stress Reduction Techniques here: