True. When a group of workers in a certain industry band together, they form a union. This way they will be able to gain a voice where they can express their feelings and views on issues affecting their performance at the workplace. They protect the rights of workers and strive to improve worker conditions.
a. A ship left Britain bringing agricultural products to America where it picked up manufactured goods. It then sailed to Africa where it sold the manufactured goods and purchased slaves. The slaves were then brought to Britain for sale.
b. A ship left Britain bringing manufactured products to Africa. These were traded for slaves, which were then brought to America. In America the slaves were traded for agricultural products, which were then brought to Britain for sale.
c. A ship left America empty and sailed to Africa. In Africa it picked up slaves, which were shipped to, and sold in America. In America the ship picked up a load of agricultural goods, which it then brought to England for sale.
d. A ship left Africa bringing agricultural goods to America. These were traded for slaves, which were then brought to England for sale. The ship then left England empty bound for Africa.
A service charge is a fee which must be paid every month, while a finance charge is a one-time fee assessed at the beginning or end of a loan period.
A service charge is a flat fee charged to a borrower, while a finance charge is a fee charged to a borrower based on the amount borrowed.
A service charge is a fee assessed by a lender, while a finance charge is a fee charged by a financial institution, such as a bank.
A service charge is a fee assessed by a lender other than interest, and a finance charge is the total of the interest paid on a loan and the service charge.
((I have the answer but I want to make sure it is completely accurate))
the correct answer is d....
In September of 1939 the war broke out in Europe. Roosevelt announced that the United States would be neutral and indifferent. In September 1940, when England was threatened by the German invasion, the United States gave the British 50 old destroyers in exchange for naval bases in the western Atlantic. Two weeks later, Congress approved the first military conscription in times of peace in the history of the United States. By early 1941 England no longer had money to buy American goods, so Roosevelt convinced Congress to enact a "lease-lease" law. Through this program, the United States ended up "lending" US $ 13,500 million in war supplies to Great Britain, and another US $ 9,000 million to the Soviet Union.
By November 1941, US military planners were preparing for a Japanese assault, but they expected an attack to the south, to the oil-rich East Indies of Holland (Indonesia). Instead, Japanese bombers stationed on an aircraft carrier attacked the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii. The surprise attack sank or damaged eight warships and destroyed almost 200 aircraft. The United States immediately declared war on Japan. Four days later, Germany and Italy, allies of Japan, declared war on the United States.
Answer is B. Groups of all religious beliefs could worship freely in Maryland.