Define proportional representation


Answer 1

Answer: an electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them.


In another words AKA in simple words....

The system of voting known as proportional representation gives candidates or parties representation on elective bodies in proportion to the votes they receive. Proportional representation ensures minority groups a measure of representation proportionate to their electoral support.

* Hopefully this helps:) Mark me the brainliest:)!!!

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  1. There is a peculiar phrase up high in the Declaration of Independence that asserts the right of the American people to assume."When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.\
  2. these both are really equally distributed too.
  3. hopefully it helps you

Final answer:

The phrase 'separate and equal station' refers to the inherent equality and right to independence of all individuals and nations as per the laws of nature and divine law. Misinterpreted in Plessy v. Ferguson to facilitate segregation, the doctrine was corrected in Brown v. Board of Education.


The phrase 'separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s god entitle them' is from the Declaration of Independence and signifies that all nations have the right to be independent and equal in status, as per the laws of nature and divine law. This idea is rooted in the belief that all individuals and, by extension, all nations, are inherently equal and possess certain unalienable rights. The term was later misinterpreted in cases like Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) to justify the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' which, in contradiction to the earlier mentioned principle, facilitated racial segregation. This misinterpretation was corrected during the landmark Brown v. Board of Education (1954) case, which ruled that 'separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.'

Learn more about Separate and Equal Station here:


Life for an average Egyptian was carefree and easy
Yes or no


No it wasn't care free because they have rules that they should follow and obey

No because the Egyptians were used as slaves if they were peasants. They built temples and pyramids and worked really hard all day. It was also very hot, cause as you can imagine, they were probably in the desert. So no, life for them was not carefree nor easy at all.

Hope this helps, have a good day. c;

Which phrase defines Jim Crow?-the body of laws that established segregation across the South

-the term for freed slaves who bought and farmed their own land

-the defendant in a Supreme Court case about voting rights

-the name of a southern politician who opposed civil rights for blacks



The body of laws that established segregation across the South

     ** is the correct answer **

Answer: The answer is the first one.


National security policy is a balancing act betweeno sanctions and negotiations.
military force and diplomacy
O diplomacy and embargoes.
O military force and sanctions.



Military force and diplomacy


When talking about national security that means protecting the interests of your country and the people living in it. If another country wants a piece of land, has a trade conflict or shows any other form of interest that would impact the country then firstly they try with diplomacy, and if all else fails then they send in the military.

National security policy is a balancing act between military force and diplomacy. (Option B)

Why is this so?

It requires carefully weighing the use of military power, which includes the capability to defend the nation and deter potential threats, and diplomatic strategies, such as negotiations and building alliances, to achieve national security objectives.

While sanctions and embargoes can be part of the diplomatic toolkit, the primary balance lies in determining the appropriate mix of military force and diplomatic approaches to safeguard national interests and promote stability in a complex and interconnectedworld.

Thus, the right answer is (Option B)

Learn more about National security policy at:


Which answer accurately lists presidents in the order in which they served? A. Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson B. Johnson, Kennedy, Truman, Eisenhower C. Eisenhower, Truman, Johnson, Kennedy D. Kennedy, Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson


Accurately lists of presidents in the order in which they served -

  • Truman
  • Eisenhower
  • Kennedy
  • Johnson

What is president?

"President is the elected member of a republic. President is a common title for the head of state in most republics. The president of a nation is, generally speaking, the head of the government and the fundamental leader of the country or the ceremonial head of state."

What is order?

"Order represents time here according to which someone is selected for a respective post."

What is serve?

"Serve is to perform duties for which a representative is selected."

Hence, the correct option is A

To learn more about president and order refer


The answer is A) Truman ('45-'53), Eisenhower ('53-'61), Kennedy ('61-'63), then Johnson ('63-'69)

Why wass Jamestown taken over by the British government in 1624


The primary reason why Jamestown was taken over by the British government in 1624 is because "There had been too much death and conflict with the American Indians" although it also had to do with internal conflicts


The primary reason why Jamestown was taken over by the British government in 1624 is because "There had been too much death and conflict with the American Indians" although it also had to do with internal conflicts
