Read the excerpt from "Rhapsody on a Windy Night." I could see nothing behind that child's eye. I have seen eyes in the street Trying to peer through lighted shutters, And a crab one afternoon in a pool, An old crab with barnacles on his back, Gripped the end of a stick which I held him.

The excerpt is an example of what type of narration?

dramatic dialogue
third-person, all knowing
second person, limited
stream of consciousness


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question stated above is stream of consciousness. The narrative is based on the thoughts, feelings and reactions by the speaker on a particular scenario. The dialogue is based on his revelations whichever he wants to tell the readers uninterruptedly.
Answer 2

The excerpt is an example of:

  • Stream of consciousness

What is Stream of Consciousness Narration?

This refers to the type of narration where the narrator uses his thoughts and feelings to tell a story.

With this in mind, we can see that the type of narration which was used in the given excerpt is the stream of consciousness as this was used when he talked about looking into the child's eye and seeing nothing.

Read more about stream of consciousness here:

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Think about the experiences you've had with dramatic texts, including seeing live performances or film adaptations. How does the era in which a play was written affect your ability to enjoy it or understand it? How is it different to read or see a play written more than two millennia ago (such as tragedies and comedies from ancient Greece) compared to a few centuries ago (for example, Shakespeare or others from the Renaissance) or one produced in the last 100 years?


Drama is a specific literary genre that includes dialogue and a performance as part of his compositional body. This kind of text could be presented in verse or prose and it is usually thought to be performed in scenery. Also a drama, as other narrations, use to have an introduction, a conflictive moment and finally an end. The person who writes drama is called playwright or dramatist.

Through times, it has been many different types of dramatic compositions, among them we can find, for example:

  • Tragedy: in this kind of dramas is common to perform dark themes as death or protagonists’ pain.
  • Comedy: In this kind of dramas the themes that are performed are presented in a kindly way that allows people to enjoy them.
  • Epic: In this kind of dramas the situation is presented through a poem.

These three examples are analysed by Aristotle in his book: the poetic (IV Century B.C), where he reflex about the aesthetic features of each kind of composition. The part about comedy is missed, so we only have his notes about tragedy and epic dramatizations.

Like other human being expressions, the way that the authors think a dramatic play obeys to the contextual situation; that is: how is the cultural environment thinking and, in general, living. That is why it could be harder for an actual reader (or spectator) to understand the terms, actions and beliefs of a really old play; nevertheless, we can learn many things about the past only by consulting literature (which includes dramatic texts). Of course we can feel us closer than younger representations and this is because we share more stuff with those people who lived in the times when the piece was made, but although it does affect how I understand and enjoy determinate play, I’m convinced of we can research and learn about historic process and changes to enjoy every kind of theatrical expressions.

  • How does the era in which a play was written affect your ability to enjoy it or understand it?

Specifically, when we talk about how does the era affect our ability as spectators to enjoy or understand a play, we have to consider the fact that all the plays that have been made until now had some historical, social and ideological signs that we can find if we analyze them carefully. At this respect, there are many things that we cannot understand, between this kind of stuff we can find: popular lexicon, references to places, people or events that possibly marked the society and etcetera. Nevertheless, we can enjoy and understand them from the distance if we consider that they, over time, become a testimony of how life was at that moment. This means that yes, it changes the spectators' ability and way to enjoy a theatric piece, but the written era doesn’t impede the possibility of enjoying or understand it.

  • How is it different to read or see a play written more than two millennia ago (such as tragedies and comedies from ancient Greece) compared to a few centuries ago (for example, Shakespeare or others from the Renaissance) or one produced in the last 100 years?

The differences are sometimes obvious, for example when we think in language (the kind of words and speech’s structures used), costumes or places, but it exists other aspects from societies that we cannot identify as easy as the other ones; at this respect there is the ideology (which is the way of thinking that a specific society has) who in fact influences many other human being areas: for example what is considered as good or bad, what is thinking as a mysterious or divine entities, what is seen as a relevant and important theme, etcetera. Thus, the way as we feel identified with the more recent plays (for example the Shakespeare’s ones) cannot be compared with that pieces that have millennials of age because we have change cultural and physically, hindering us the ability of feel and put ourselves in the other scenery.  

KEY WORDS: Drama, culture situation, time

The closer the dramatic text is to the era you are watching, the more you can relate to it.

Which element of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis makes it an absurdist story?a. Gregor's father throwing apples to force him to leave the room
b. the absence of a reason for Gregor's transformation into an insect
c. Gregor's staying alone in his bedroom after his transformation
d. the act of Gregor's sister giving him stale food to eat


The Metamorphosis is a short story written by Franz Kafka. The definition of an absurdist story is a story whose characters cannot find any meaning in life. The story may be humorous or irrational. The element of The Metamorphosis that makes it an absurdist story is the absence of a reason for Gregor's transformation into an insect (c). Gregor is transformed into an insect right at the beginning of the story. The rest of the story deals with the ways Gregor and his family battle to adjust to his transformation.


The answer is b



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This passage goes to show that the Greek value KNOWLEDGE. We could remember that the Greek culture has evolved over thousand of years. The Greek culture influenced us and contributed to a lot of fields including literature, architecture, sculpture, paintings, philosophy, science, and mathematics.  


B. Knowledge


What method of organization is used in this paragraph?




Contributing factors towards the start of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain were cheap energy, foreign competition and Great Britain had a small population. Industrialisation as opposed to agriculture as the main economy meant that machines were used to manufacture the items that were formerly made by hand. This meant that more items could be manufactured in the same time as when they were manufactured by hand. Small farmers could no longer keep up with the pace of the industrialisation of the economy so they moved into the towns to work in the factory. This allowed Great Britain to generate a greater gross domestic product as more work was completed by one person in less time. Energy was very cheap during the time of the Industrial Revolution so the cost of running the machinery was not high. Ships from the East eg. China and India brought in the same goods that were handmade in the UK and they were cheaper than the handmade goods. This forced the local manufacturers out of business

If you're altruistic, you behave in a _______ way.a. self-obsessed.
b. selfish.
c. self-aware.
d. selfless.


The answer is D selfless




Altruistic means to behave in a selfless way

What does Charles dickens criticize in the beginning of Oliver Twist by placing Oliver in a workhouse


He criticized the cruel conditions where children were forced to work. There were no laws to protect children from unjust labor at the time.  It wasn’t just the factory but the way the children were subject to several kinds of abuse showed some of problems that needed to be resolved during that time in regard to treating kids.