A driver drives 3 blocks North, 3 blocks east and 3 blocks south. What is the total displacement?​


Answer 1

The 3 blocks north and the 3 blocks south cancel each other, and contribute nothing to the displacement.  The total displacement is 3 blocks east.

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c. A magnet always has a north pol, and may or may not also have a south pole.
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The answer would be B. Earth is an electromagnet.

The Earth is a giant electromagnet. It's electromagnetic field is generated from the currents of electricity coming from molten metal flowing in the outer core of our Earth. The heat from the inner core causes convection and that is how electric current flows within Earth.

Earth us an electromagnet (apex)

As the mass and volume increases, the densit will
Increase, decrease, or remain the same


We can't tell from the information given.

Density is the RATIO of mass to volume.  So, if mass and volume both
increase but their ratio decreases, then the density decreases.

But if mass and volume both increase and their ratio also increases,
then the density increases.


-- Start with a pile of some kind of substance.
    Mass = 150 grams
    Volume = 100 cm³

    Density = (mass) / (volume) = (150 gm)/(100cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³

-- Add 50 grams of mass.  Mass = 200 gm.
    Add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 150cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (200 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.33 gm/cm³.
                                                                                  Density decreased.

-- To the original pile, add 100 grams of mass.  Mass = 250 gm.
                               add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume= 150 cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (250 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.67 gm/cm³.
                                                                            Density increased.

-- To the original pile, add 60 grams of mass.  Mass = 210 gm.
                               add 40 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 140 cm³.

   Density = (mass) / (volume) = (210 gm)/(140 cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³.
                                                                         Density no change.
                                                                 Same as the original pile.

The refractive index of water with respect to vacuum is 4/3 and refractive index of vacuum with respect to glass is 2/3. If the speed of light in glass is 2x 108m/s, find the speed of light in i) Vacuum ii) water


As we know that

\mu = (speed of light in air)/(speed of light in medium)

now for the first part we know that

refractive index of vacuum with respect to glass is 2/3

speed of light in glass is 2 * 10^8 m/s

now we will have

(2)/(3) = (2* 10^8)/(c)

c = 3 * 10^8 m/s

Part b)

Now similarly we can say

\mu = (speed of light in air)/(speed of light in medium)

here refractive index of water with respect to vacuum is 4/3

(4)/(3) = (3 * 10^8)/(v)

now we will have

v = 2.25 * 10^8 m/s

What would happen if the gravity on earth decreases by a small about? ​


If the gravity decreases on the earth, we will be weightless and pressure will be less exerting on us and we will be able fly

a loss of gravity on earth would  stop pulling down the air,water and earth's atmosphere

ther would be a sudden and significant loss of air pressure

the lack of any forceful gravitational pull would turn humans

Without gravity, humans and other objects would become weightless.

How is a time interval different from a specific time?


 there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify

access time - (computer science) the interval between the time data is requested by the system and the time the data is provided by the drive; "access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead"

FILL IN THE BLANKS!1. Thermal energy moves more quickly through _____ than it does through ______.

2. _____ is the transfer of thermal energy due to collisions between particles of matter.

A. Conductors
B. Expansion
C. Heat
D. Insulators
E. Temperature


1. First blank is A. Conductors
Second blank is D. Insulators

2. C. Heat