reticular formation
In brief this region controls the following :
1. somatic motor control
2. cardiovascular control
3. sleep
4. consciousness
5. habituation
6. pain modulation
Since the cat is having problems with the sleep-wake cycle, does not respond to the researcher, there is a change in behavior and inability to walk on straight line. This points out to damage in the reticular formation.
Before leaving the nucleus, the pre-mRNA transcript formed through transcription undergoes a series of enzyme-regulated modifications which includes: 5'capping,splicing,3' cleavage(polyadenylation) and RNA editing
1. DNA is first transcribed into pre-mRNA, then this pre-mRNA further go series of modification, like 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation and RNA splicing.
2. Through splicing, introns are removed and exons are joined together to form a mature RNA known as mRNA.
3. If without these modifications, RNA is translated, it would encode non-functional protein because all the codons in the pre-mRNA would translated and introns would code a non-functional protein.