Which body, located in Jamestown, Virginia, was the first elected assembly to govern in a British colony?


Answer 1

Answer: The house of Burgesses


In Jamestown, Virginia, the first elected legislative assembly in the New World the House of Burgesses convenes in the choir of the town's church.

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They banned the colonists from settling West of the Mtns because they wanted to prevent any disputes with the American Indians or the French. That is why they signed the Proclamation of 1763.
They were scared of having war with the indians.

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Answer:New york


Which of the following did the Maya and the Mesopotamians have in common?Both societies practiced religious tolerance.
Both organized around major rivers.
Both were monotheistic societies.
Both were polytheistic societies.


Both were Polytheistic societies 

your answer is the last one. both civilization worshiped more than one god.

Using the following words, write sentences that describe settlers traveling on the Oregon Trail. a. Manifest Destiny b. emigrant c. prairie schooner


Okay, President Monroe said that Americans need to fulfill their Manifest Destiny, which means that we should spread out across the whole country, so settlers were moving out west on the Oregon Trail to do this.  An emigrant is someone who moves from one place in a country to another place in the country, so pioneers were riding on prairie schooners (covered wagons) to travel across the country.

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both of them are good causes but from what i’ve learnt so far the seccond conclusion is the best of the two