(1) increased authority of the Kievan princes
(2) rise in trade along the Silk Roads
(3) introduction of Hinduism into Chinese
(4) maritime exploration of the Arabian seacoast
The correct answer is "2".
The Mongol Empire was the largest land empire in history. It originates in present-day Mongolia. At its peak, it stretched from Eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan.
The Mongols were very supportive of trade. They engaged in the maintenance of trade routes that linked lands in the Mediterranean basin to China. This route would become to be known as "The Silk Road". This famous route would be later used by Marco Polo.
They used better antisubmarine technology
God chose Abram of Ur to be the Ancestor of his savior. So in a small way, yes, he chose Abram to initiate his plan of salvation.
Hope that helps!! Have a good day!
Fairness in inheritance division depends on cultural values. Primogeniture maintains tradition; coparcenary ensures equal distribution, each with pros and cons.
The fairness of inheritance division between primogeniture and coparcenary depends on cultural, societal, and individual perspectives. Both systems have their advantages and drawbacks.
Primogeniture entails passing the entirety of an estate to the firstborn child, often the eldest son. Proponents argue it maintains estate integrity and prevents fragmentation, enabling better management. However, it can be seen as inherently unfair, depriving other siblings of a fair share.
Coparcenary, on the other hand, involves dividing the inheritance equally among all heirs, typically children. This approach promotes equality and prevents the concentration of wealth but can lead to property fragmentation and potential disputes.
The fairness of each system depends on societal values. Primogeniture may preserve tradition but could be considered unfair by those who prioritize equitable wealth distribution. Coparcenary fosters equality but may lead to land division issues.
Ultimately, fairness depends on the specific cultural, legal, and familial context. Many societies have moved away from primogeniture toward more egalitarian systems in pursuit of greater fairness in inheritance distribution.
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