Would this be a use of personification?? I need to know ASAP!!!"In the night
his eyes carry him
to unknown places".


Answer 1
Answer: Yes it would be personification. Eyes are inatimate objects and they can't actually carry people.

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Poseidon is the father of Polyphemus

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Colons are not used to introduce __________. lists omissions appostives long quotations


Colons are not used to introduce lists. 

Colons denote "that is to say" or"here's what I mean."

They make sentences’ first parts not importantrather the sentence’s second part contains the important information.

Here aresome of the rules you could use for colons:

*Colons are uses upon introducing items.
*Do not use capital letters after a colon except ifit’s a proper noun.
*Do not use colons after a verb or preposition.
*For independent clauses, especially when the secondsentence explains the paragraph’s meaning, the use of colon is preferred.
*After a colon: capitalize the first letter of thefirst word if it is a complete quotation. 

omissions is your answer ......................

The missionaries of India brought Confucianism to China.



The statement is false.


Confucianism is a system of thought and behavior originated in ancient China. It was created by Chinese philosopher Confucius who considered himself a retransmitter of theology and values from the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

As you can see from above Confucianism originated in China so the statement saying that it was brought by missionaries from India is false.

I hope this answer helps you.

This is false. Confucianism originated in China under Confucius. 

2. Carl has baseball practice Saturday, June 2 Sunday, June 10; and Wednesday, June 13.correct


The sentence ‘Carl has baseball practice Saturday, June 2 Sunday, June 10; and Wednesday, June 13.’ is incorrect. Semicolon is used when joining two independent clauses. Use semicolon when you use want to join a bond between sentences

Final answer:

This statement provides information about Carl's baseball practices but does not pose a question. For it to be a question, it needs to be rephrased.


The sentence appears to be a statement about Carl's baseball practice schedule rather than a question. The information provided is that Carl has baseball practice on Saturday, June 2; Sunday, June 10; and Wednesday, June 13. Given this, it seems like the sentence is likely informing the reader about when Carl has practice rather than asking for information or for an action to be taken. If this is supposed to be a question, it would need to be rephrased appropriately.

Learn more about Sentence Analysis here:



Which type of faulty logic appears in these sentences? Congressman Brown's own property was included in the improvement project he brought to our town. He was not acting for the greater good at all. A false analogy B either-or fallacy C ad hominem D appeal to ignorance


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B either-or fallacy." Congressman Brown's own property was included in the improvement project he brought to our town. He was not acting for the greater good at all. The logic here appears as an 'either-or fallacy'

Consipirators in the Roman senate plotted the assasination of Julius Ceaser. a. Action verb b. Linking verb


The answer is A. "plotted" is an action, linking verbs refer to things such as am is are was were, also known as "be" verbs which often indicate a state of being. So when I say: " The child is wet" I'm Linking "child", the noun, to "wet" the adjective. I hope that helps explain the concept some.