Why was Stalin upset by the western allies decision to focus on North Africa?A. The Soviets controlled North Africa and did not want the Allies to interfere
B. It delayed the Allies from attacking the Nazis in Western Europe
C. The Germans were too powerful in North Africa, and Stalin feared defeat
D. Japan controlled North Africa, and the Soviets were not yet at war with them


Answer 1
Answer: B. It delayed the Allies from attacking Germany from the west.

In WWII Hitler knew that the worst thing for Germany would be a war on both Eastern and Western fronts. Stalin knew this so when he found that Britain was focussing on North Africa he was enraged. 
Answer 2
Answer: The answer is B.

Stalin wanted America to surprise attack the Nazis in the east because all the Nazi soldiers were focused on Russia. This would cause the Nazi army to take away some troops and focus on the East.

Also, Stalin believed the Americans were stalling or buying time while Russia took on all the brute force of Germany, and did all the work basically. He had seen this as an attempt by America to avoid a lot of the war and come in later when Germany was week while Russia would have lost a lot of soldiers, and did most of the fighting.

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I believe that the answer is the second one.

Answer: B. had experience in other social-reform movements

Is the best choice.

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