Since you can drown in quicksand, the answer is "quicksand" when a guy drowns but is still not wet.
A statement, question, or phrase with a hidden or double meaning that is presented as a problem to be solved is called a riddle.
A riddle is typically a question or statement with several possible interpretations that must be resolved. Riddles may be entertaining or thought-provoking brain teasers. You are trying to solve it like a puzzle.
How many apples do you really have if there are three and you take away two? You have two apples, is the reply? 69. Riddle: Each boy has half as many siblings as sisters, yet a girl has as many brothers as sisters.
Example of a riddle There was a puzzle on the spot, and Fred couldn't resist a good enigma. Greek tragedians are the first authors to tell the tale of the sphinx's riddle. When a monster named the Sphinx tore through the nation, Oedipus found the solution, set the nation free, and wed his own mother.
To read more Riddles, refer to -
B. They bought their tickets and surrendered them in anticipation.
C. She has never upset an object or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor.
D. The White Arabians of Ali-Khazar rose on their hind legs and waltzed.
The answer is: false.
A pseudonym is a name that a single person or a collective may assume for very different purposes, like protecting or concealing one´s own identity, or the collective´s identity.
A pseudonym can include pennames (for authors in the arts), usernames, nicknames, and aliases, amongst other less common usages.
The word derives from the Greek, meaning, literally, “false name”.
handouts with visual aids
Part 1:
Begin by introducing the unit and discuss the long term plan for the unit. Our focus for this unit will be on looking at the emotive language and the figurative language that draws us into the poem and helps us to ‘visualise’ the ‘imagery’ in our heads. We should feel as if we are there with the poet or with the people in the poem.