Isomers have different ______ formulas. molecular structural empirical chemical


Answer 1




Isomerism is the existence of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but different molecular structures due to the difference in the arrangement of atoms or spatial orientation of atoms.

Isomers have the same molecular formula but differs in their structural arrangement.

In organic chemistry, Isomerism can orginate from different arrangement of atoms.

It can be carbon chain length known as chain isomerism. Here, the carbon length is changed and arranged in different ways.

We can also have position isomerism which entails the position of the functional group in the structure.

It can also be functional group isomerism which deals with the possible arrangement of the group on the chain.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Isomers have the same molecular formulas but different structural formulas. This different structural arrangement leads to differences in the physical and chemical properties of the isomers.


Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula, meaning the same number and type of atoms, but different arrangements of atoms within the molecule. Hence, isomers have different structural formulas, which are used to represent the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule. For instance, the compounds butane and isobutane both have the formula C4H10, but in butane, all four carbon atoms are arranged in a row, while in isobutane, three carbon atoms form a branch off a central carbon atom. Therefore, the structural formulas of these compounds differ, even though the molecular formula is the same.

Learn more about Isomers here:


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To compare rubber bands, you must remember to keep certain things constant. If you're looking at their vibrations, the amount of energy you use to "twang" the rubber band should be the same each time you twang it (which is the same as applying the same force each time you twang it).

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B. It is an anion.
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Hey there!

Given the reaction:

P4 + 10 Cl2  ------------------ 4 PCl5

Molar mass P4 = 124 g/mol

Number of moles P4:

n = mass of solute / molar mass

n = 24.0 / 124

n = 0.1935  moles of P4


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Hope that helps!

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CCl4 Covalent

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CaCl2 Ionic

LiBr Covalent


With covalent bonds, there is a sharing of electron pairs between the atoms.

With ionic bonds, there is complete transfer of valence electrons between atoms. Formed by the interaction of a metal with a non-metal.


Electrons aren't transferred in covalent bonds.

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Protons aren't shared in covalent bonds




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Al3+ = Metal

Li+ = Metal

Ca2+ = Metal

Br  1-, 1+, 5+ = Halogen

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CaCl2 = Ca2+ and Cl- x 2 Metal with non-metal Ionic

LiBr = Li+ and Br- Covalent as neither is a non-metal

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