A. That are more friendlier than the Labrador
B. That are friendlier than the Labrador.
C. That were friendlier than the Labrador
D. That were more friendlier than the Labrador
E. No improvement or correction is required
There are not too many breeds of dog that are friendlier than the Labrador (B).
Since we are comparing all breeds of dogs to the labrador, we need to use a comparative adjective. If we were saying that Labradors are the friendliest breed of dogs, this would be the superlative. In the comparative, we have to add -er to the verb if it is one or two syllables long. We add more when it is three or more syllables long. Since friendly is only two syllables, we need to change "more friendly" to "friendlier." Also, it does not make since to use the past tense, so we need to change were to are.
Sometimes if you do community service it can go on your record. It can help you out too and get you some type of points in high school.
Doing community service could also help you get certain scholarships to college. :)
Miss Temple's.
Miss Temple says, "You had this morning a breakfast which you could not eat; you must be hungry:—I have ordered that a lunch of bread and cheese shall be served to all."
Miss Temple's
It was marked correct on Odyssey ware.
Prior to the start of the play, we see a soldier who was wounded informing King Duncan of Macbeth’s victory over the forces of Norway and Ireland and Macbeth is commended for his victory. At this time he was still an honorable soldier but when he meets the witches he becomes corrupted with the idea of being King of Scotland.
has warm calm winds