Who was the first redheaded president of the united states?


Answer 1


George Washington


George Washington is the first president of United States and also he is redheaded. He was also the chief commander of army in American Revolutionary War against England. He is a reputed leader who found a nation. In his life, George Washington is a gentleman and he preferred a more natural look. He used to wore his red hair long and tied it back in a low ponytail.

Answer 2

Thomas Jefferson. Was the first ginger snap

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In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the ________. Nuremberg Code Declaration of Helsinki Belmont Report Common Rule


Answer:Nuremberg code


On the account of this code the three principles discussed in the belmont report are respect for persons, beneficence and justice.

Final answer:

The ethical regulations in human subjects research in the U.S. began with the Nuremberg Code, followed by the development of IRBs and requirements like informed consent to protect participants in research studies.


In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the Nuremberg Code. This set of guidelines was developed in response to the atrocities conducted by Nazi physicians during World War II. As ethical concerns in research arose, particularly highlighted by tragic studies such as the Tuskegee syphilis study, further regulations and the establishment of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were implemented. These boards are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants, ensuring ethical practices such as informed consent, minimizing risks, respecting the autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice principles in human research.

Learn more about Ethical Regulations here:



A paralegal may be in charge of all office functions if they work for aA) medium firm.
B) solo practice.
C) small firm.
D) large firm.



Government agencies, corporations and other organizations such as Law firms employ paralegals to delegate legal tasks with them not necesarily being lawyers (likely due short law courses taken), but they are under a lawyer's supervision, pretty much as administrative assistants; if their conditioned as "solo practice" they're in charge of carrying out minor affairs and all the logistics of such office.

Thereby the answer is (B.)


what generally happens when the senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill


It is usually sent to a conference committee who will try to reach an agreement and if so, the bill goes back to the Senate and House of Representatives for a final vote. The bill then goes to the President, who can either make the bill a law or the President can veto the bill and the Senate and House have to re-write the bill.

if the House of Representatives and the Senate pass a different version of the same bill, then both the houses will appoint a conference committee. The purpose of the conference committee is to discuss the bill and reach a compromise.

Further Explanation

If the conference committee reaches a compromise, then the bill will be transmitted back to both houses for a final vote

However, if the bill is passed by both houses, then it will be sent to the president for assent. The president can also decide to sign or veto the bill.

If the bill is signed by the president, it becomes law but if he vetoes the bill, then the bill will be sent back to congress.

However, the bill can still be passed into law if it gets a two-thirds majority votes from both the house and the senate.

Also, in line with the constitution, the president has 10 days to act on a bill, if the required 10 days stipulated by law elapses, then the bill will automatically become law.

But if the congress adjourned within the 10 days, then the bill will not become a law.

A bill refers to a proposed law that is under review by a legislature.


  • What generally happens when the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill?  brainly.com/question/759811
  • What generally happens when the senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill  brainly.com/question/306766


  • bill
  • senate
  • house
  • different version
  • law

One characteristic of an oligopoly market structure is:a. the actions of one seller have no impact on the profitability of other sellers.
b. firms in the industry are typically characterized by very diverse product lines.
c. products typically sell at a price that reflects their marginal cost of production.
d. firms in the industry have some degree of market power.


A . firms in the industry have some degree of market power

Final answer:

In an oligopoly market structure, a small number of firms have a large degree of market power, and their decisions can significantly impact each other. This is because these few firms control a substantial market share.


The correct answer to the question - one characteristic of an oligopoly market structure is - option d, which states that firms in the industry have some degree of market power. An oligopoly market structure is characterized by a small number of firms controlling a large market share, making them influential in decision-making processes about pricing and other market policies. The actions of one firm can significantly affect others in the market due to the rigid competition amongst the few existing firms.

The offerings of these firms can be homogeneous or differentiated, but the key factor is the market power they hold. It's worth noting that while there's a level of independence, there's also interdependence as the actions of one firm can influence the market behavior.

Learn more about Oligopoly Market Structure here:



The maple leaf elementary school counselor, social worker, and the parents of 8-year-old jimmy jackson are working as a cooperative team to determine why jimmy exhibits a pattern of highly aggressive behavior toward his peers and teachers. Jimmy's behavior has been extensively observed, he has been subjected to a battery of psychological tests, and his parents have been interviewed. This in-depth examination of jimmy jackson is an example of


This in-depth examination of Jimmy Jackson is an example of "case study".

A case study is an inside and out investigation of a specific circumstance as opposed to a broad measurable study. It is a strategy which is used to limit an extremely expansive field of examination into one effectively researchable subject. A case study has been particularly utilized in sociology, psychology, human sciences and nature.

NASW stands for the ________. a) National Association of Social Welfare b) National Association of Social Workers c) National Academy of Social Work d) National Assistance for Social Workers"


B NASW = national association of social workers
It is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world