Answer: you have to pay back the loan once you start making money. in general you have to pay back the loan. everyone wants free money.
A data file does not contain any instructions for opening it. Instead, data files require a specific program to interpret the information contained in them. ... Executable files, on the other hand, do not require any other program to run, since they contain specific instructions for your machine to execute.
An executable file is a type of computer file that can execute or run as a program, whereas a data file is used to store information and can only be read or edited by a software application.
An executable file and a data file are both types of files found on computers, but they serve different purposes. An executable file is a type of file that a computer's system can execute or run as a program. This type of file will often contain a software application or installer.
On the other hand, a data file is used to store information. These files cannot be 'run' as a program. Instead, data files are opened and read by a software application. Examples of data files include documents, spreadsheets, and databases. Essentially, the equivalent difference between these two file types can be thought of as a book and a person reading a book. The executable file is like the person who can perform actions and interact with others. The data file is like the book; it can't do anything on its own, but it contains useful and valuable information.
Conversion of farmland from agriculture to industry
Export of surplus goods not consumed locally
Investment in loans to support independent start-ups
Payment of workforce based on units of production
24.75 Hours
Since Alice worked TWICE as many hours as Louis, you divide 49.5 by 2.