According to strodbeck and​ kluckhonh, the relationship between humans and nature is a problem demonstrative of which​ concept?a. the numbers of possible solutions to these problems are limited.

b. different cultures have different preferences when it comes to selecting a solution to a problem. most people within a culture will choose the same​ solution, but not all people.

c. these preferred solutions shape cultural patterns.

d. individuals encounter a wide variety of problems that must be addressed.


Answer 1

As a result, the human–nature hyperlink goes further than the degree to which the individual believes or feels that are indeed a part of the natural world.

  • It includes a human adaptive synergy with the environment, as well as our long-standing acts and memories which link us all to nature.
  • The link between humanity and wildlife, according to Strobeck and Kluckhonh, is a dilemma that demonstrates that various ethnicities have varied tastes when it comes to choosing a solution to problems.
  • The majority of the people in culture will choose that option, not all of them.

Therefore, the final choice is "Option B"

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Answer 2

Answer:  B is the correct answer.


People with in a specific culture tend to have the same types of beliefs

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The correct answer is "Business Cycle." Economic growth, peaks, economic downturns, and troughs are part of the Business Cycle. It is the downward and upward movement of levels of gross domestic product (GDP) and refers to the period of expansions and contractions in the level of economic activities (business fluctuations) around its long-term growth trend.

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c. Socialism
b. Mercantilism
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The United States has this type of economic system.- this is a mixed economic system (some people would claim that it's capitalism, but it's not full capitalism, for example some goods are prohibited)

And the
economic system in which the government makes all decisions is called communism!

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People will stop wanting them.
People will focus on needs instead.


Answer: B. People will look elsewhere for them:

Explanation: If a particular good or service is not available within their own economy, people may turn to other options.  One possibility is that they may look to import goods from other countries.  For example, if a country is unable to produce a certain type of clothing, people may choose to purchase it from internationalsuppliers.

Additionally, individuals may explore different markets to find the desired goods and services.  This could involve searching for local businesses or online platforms that offer the desired products.  For instance, if a person wants a specific brand of electronics that is not available locally, they may search for it on e-commerce websites or try to find a retailer that imports those products.

Overall, when an economy is unable to produce wanted goods and services, people will actively seek alternatives from other sources, whether it be through importing or exploring different markets.

Learn more about good and services here:

Final answer:

If an economy is unable to produce wanted goods and services, people may go without them, look elsewhere for them, or stop wanting them.


If an economy is unable to produce wanted goods and services, there are several potential consequences. Firstly, people will go without the goods and services they desire, causing a decrease in their overall quality of life. They may have to find alternative ways to meet their needs or go without entirely.

Secondly, people may start looking elsewhere for the goods and services they want. This could mean purchasing them from other regions or countries that are able to produce them.

Lastly, there is a possibility that people may stop wanting the goods and services altogether. If they consistently face unavailability, they may find substitutes or develop new preferences for different products.

Learn more about Effects of Inadequate Production here:


From what ideals does the United States derive much of its character


The different set of ideals ofthe American Dream is set to: Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, andEquality. This states that freedom includes the equal opportunities forprosperity and success, social mobility for the family and children that willbe achieved in a society with very few barriers regardless of social class orcircumstances of birth.

Itis deeply rooted in the Declaration of Independence where its states that “allmen are created equal” with the right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit ofHappiness.”

Which term is used to describe the sparsely populated area of the Austrailian interior?


The term Outback is used to describe it

it  basically refers the the populated Area outside the urbans

The outback is very rich in Iron, Aluminum, manganese, and Uranium main which make mining and Tourism became the main economic Activity in the Outbacks




The Outback is, technically, any non-urban area in Australia's interior. Many people, though, consider it to be the desert-like area in the country's center. A significant number of native Aborigines live here. Of course, most people in the United States might think its a steakhouse!

I hoped this explained it better for you.

What invention helped farmers prevent cattlemen from driving their herds through farms?spotlight


barbed wire

split-rail fencing


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by your question is the fourth choice.

Split-rail fencing is an invention that helped farmers prevent cattlemen from driving their herds through farms.

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!

Farmers couldn't fence their whole lands at first. It was too pricey and time consuming. Also, farmers, at first, had no reason to fence their lands until the cattle started running over it.

It was when the barbed wire was invented that things changed.

Fencing became much cheaper with barbed wire than with wood and since the cattle could be hurt and even get stuck in the fences, but for sure not go through, it solved the problems of the farmers.