The _______ is a muscle in the bottom of the chest that bends downward to draw air in, and bows upward to force air out of the lungs. A. diaphram B. bronchi C. trachea D. heart


Answer 1
Answer: its the diaphragm. If you ever join a choir of some sort,your director will tell you to use your diaphragm to exhale air out to produce a louder and stronger sound.

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The brain and spinal cord are the main parts of the CNS.

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which of the secretory cells of the stomach?A. chief cells
B. parietal cells
C. serous cells
D. mucous neck cells


Hydrochloric acid is secreted by B. parietal cells.

What role do parietal cells play?

Parietal cells are involved in gastric acid secretion and help digest food, absorb minerals, and fight harmful bacteria.

Parietal cells (also known as oxygen cells) are gastric epithelial cells that secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) and intrinsic factors. These cells are found in the gastric glands in the lining of the fundus and in areas of the body of the stomach.

There are several cell types in the stomach, each with a specific mechanism of action. Chief cells produce pepsinogen, which is converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid, which enables this conversion.

Learn more about parietal cells here:


Parietal cells produce the acid

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I don't understand your question

Where is the cerebrum located


the cerebrum is a large part of the brain containing the cerebral cortex it lies either in front or on top of the brainstem

Which statement best describes a situation that would reduce the stability of. A forest ecosystem


One such situation would be that
"A fierce predator is removed from the ecosystem."

 A removal of such a predator would mean that the population of the animals it is eating would increase, which would in turn decrease the population of the animals or plants that those animals are eating, which would generally decrease the stability of the system.

Of the statements shown above the best one that describes a situation that would reduce the stability of a forest ecosystem is answer choice…

A) A fierce predator is removed from the ecosystem.

The reason is that as we already know ecosystems are very complex and diverse, with levels and relationships between organisms that keep the stability of it. Removing any level from an ecosystem may disrupt the balance that may have been established over many years.

I hope it helps, Regards. 

Spastic paralysis suggests involvement of the


I suffer spastic paralysis by birth. in volunteering muscle control .it very difficulty walking and talking.standing. suggest to physiotherapy and physical therapy

Final answer:

Spastic paralysis typically involves the upper motor neurons of the central nervous system. Damage to these neurons causes symptoms such as muscle stiffness and contraction. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury can lead to spastic paralysis.


Spastic paralysis is a medical condition typically involving the upper motor neurons of the central nervous system. These neurons play a crucial role in controlling the activities of lower motor neurons, which are directly responsible for muscle movement. When there is damage or involvement of these upper motor neurons, it can lead to a condition known as spastic paralysis. This condition is characterized by muscle stiffness and contraction, often leading to impaired movement and coordination.

Some examples of conditions that can cause spastic paralysis include multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury. Treatment often involves managing symptoms and may include physical therapy, medications to reduce muscle spasticity, and sometimes surgery.

Learn more about Spastic Paralysis here: