What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?


Answer 1
Answer: Rock is solid mass formed by the combination of small minerals and other organic compounds. Example: Granite

A mineral is a natural inorganic compound with different chemical and physical properties. Example: Quartz
Answer 2


Rock is solid mass formed by the combination of small minerals and other organic compounds. Example: Granite A mineral is a natural inorganic compound with different chemical and physical properties. Example: Quartz


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Cellular respiration.

Hope it helps!

Answer is in the picture please help



Explanation:All things are made up of atoms but only living things are made of cells.

The answer is D. The reason for this is because everything is made up of atoms, however only living things have cells

Your gender, whether you are male or female, is determined by theA) X or Y chromosomes, inherited from father.
B) X or Y chromosomes, inherited from your mother.
C) two of the 22 pairs of chromosomes your inherited.
D) chromosomes from your mother and X from your father.


The answer is A. Females chromosomes are XX, males are XY. So from your mother you will get an X no matter what and it depends on whether you get an X or a Y from your father :) sorry this is late :)


The correct answer would be option A.

In humans, the gender of a child is mainly determined by the sex chromosome inherited from the father.

It is because human females are homozygous (XX) in terms of sex chromosome. So, their gamete will always contain an X chromosome.

In contrast, human males are heterozygous, that is, they contain XY as sex chromosome. Thus, they will produce two types of gametes of which one would contain X and the other one would contain Y.

When the male gamete containing X chromosome fuse with female gamete, the offspring produce would be a girl and when the male gamete containing Y chromosome fuse with female gamete, the offspring produce would be a boy.

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Protects us from the sun's UV rays. Keeps oxygen on our earth. Let's us have water and weather. And also protects us from flying space objects.

Please help me with thisI need it from least to greatest
if you don't know the answer, DON'T ANSWER!!


Hello I don’t know the answer : )
1 2 3 4 56789101112131415

B. What percentage of the energy that was onthe energy that was originally absorbed by the oak leaves is passed




Only 10% of the energy absorbed by plants from the sun is passed to primary producers and converted to biomass. Similarly, only 10% of the energy fro primary producers is passed to secondary producers, and this continues up teh chain to Quaternary consumers. This is why energy of an ecosystem is represented as a pyramid (tapering at the top). Transfer of energy up an ecosystem is very inefficient with most of the energy lost to the environment as heat during the transfer. In this case, the oak tree is a primary producer which represents the base of the energy pyramid.

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