Sixty-five-year-old bernice is taking courses at the university with the intention of completing a bachelor's degree. some members of her family think she is not likely to succeed because she is much too old to learn new information. this family's thinking illustrates ________________.


Answer 1

This family's thinking illustrates stereotyping.

What is stereotyping?

A stereotype is a generalized opinion about a certain group of individuals that is used in social psychology. People may have this expectation of every member of a given group. Expectations can take many different forms; they could relate to a group's personality, interests, appearance, or skill. Stereotypes can occasionally be true even when they are overgeneralized, unreliable, and resistant to new knowledge.

When applied to specific individuals, these generalizations about groups of people may be accurate, but they may also be incorrect, which is one of the causes of prejudice. An explicit stereotype is one that one is conscious of having and applying to make judgments about others. The traits that people believe to be characteristic of a group are referred to as stereotype content. Studies on stereotype content instead focus on how individuals see others than on the causes and methods of stereotyping.

Learn more about stereotyping, here:


Answer 2

This family's thinking illustrates underestimating. I think, i mean, i am just making a good guess

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The answer is A. 4

About 4 million households in US have a net worth in excess of 1 million. And from that 4 million, only about 1800 of them that excess $ 1 billion in net worth ( accordint to data in 2016)

Consciousness includes being aware of personal anxiety and fear. tf


This is true!

Consciousness and awareness are more or less the same thing, they both mean knowing about something, being away about something, especially about internal states. Those internal states that people are aware of include personal anxiety and fear.

This statement is correct

Which of the following is not a duty of the US president?a. Appoint justices to the Supreme Court.
b. Enforce and execute federal laws.
c. Propose a budget to Congress.
d. Determine the constitutionality of laws.


The US president does not determine the constitutionality of the laws: this is the task of the Supreme Court.

This has to do with the separation of powers: the president belongs to the executive branch so he has different tasks and the constitutionality of laws is checked by the judicial branch.

Which is a binary star?




a system of two stars that are gravitationally bound to and in orbit around each other

Binary stars are two stars orbiting a common centre of mass. The brighter star is officially classified as the primary star, while the dimmer of the two is the secondary (classified as A and B respectively). In cases where the stars are of equal brightness, the designation given by the discoverer is respected.

Binary pairs can be classified based on their orbit. Wide binaries are stars that have orbits that keep them spread apart from one another. These stars evolve separately, with very little impact from their companions. They may have once contained a third star, which booted the distant companion outward while eventually having been ejected themselves. Close binaries, on the other hand, evolve nearby, able to transfer their mass from one to the other. The primaries of some close binaries consume the material from their companion, sometimes exerting a gravitational force strong enough to pull the smaller star in completely. The pairs can also be classified based on how they are observed, a system that has overlapping categories. Visual binaries are two stars with a wide enough separation that both can be viewed through a telescope or even with a pair of binoculars. Five to 10 percent of visible stars are visual binaries. Spectroscopic binaries appear close even when viewed through a telescope. Scientists must measure the wavelengths of the light the stars emit and determine their binary nature based on features of those measurements.

Eclipsing binaries are two stars whose orbits are at an angle so that, from Earth, one passes in front of the other, causing an eclipse. This feature is based on the line of sight rather than any particular feature of the pair.

Astrometric binaries are stars that seem to dance around an empty space; that is, their companions cannot be identified but only inferred. Such a companion may be too dim to be seen, or could be hidden in the glare from the primary star.

Stars referred to as double stars are two that appear close together in the sky visually, but are not necessarily anywhere near one another in space.

Used to elect the president, vice-president, and members of Congress


a short ballot was used to elect the president, vice president, and the members of congress