Refractory period
When two stimuli are applied one after another intermediately, muscles contract in response to the first stimuli. Once a muscle fiber receives stimulation to contract, it loses its excitability temporarily and cannot respond for a time. This period when the muscle loses its excitability is called refractory period.
Different types of muscle fibers have different duration of refractory period. The refractory period of skeletal muscle is shorter than that of cardiac muscle. During an absolute refractory period, the activation gates of voltage-gated Na+ channels are open and the channels are inactivating while the voltage-gated K+ channels are open.
uses energy to work(?)
uses energy to work
Answer: Chitin
Carbohydrates can be defined as the class of bio molecules which includes sugar, cellulose, chitin and many forms.
Chitin is the major constituent of the exoskeleton. It is made of polysaccharide. It is a type of exoskeleton which is is found in arthopods which provides support to the shrimp.
This polysaccharide is chitin.
The specialized carbohydrate used for structure in shrimp is chitin. Chitin is a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, which is a derivative of glucose.
Chitin provides strength and flexibility to the exoskeleton, allowing the shrimp to move and grow while still being protected and is also found in the exoskeletons of other arthropods, such as crabs and lobsters. It is also found in the cell walls of some fungi and algae.
Chitin is a very strong material. It is even stronger than steel, pound for pound. However, it is also very lightweight. This makes it an ideal material for the exoskeletons of shrimp and other arthropods.
The exoskeleton of a shrimp is made up of several layers of chitin. The outermost layer is the hardest layer. It is called the epicuticle. The epicuticle is made up of a waxy substance that helps to protect the shrimp from water loss and from predators.
Learn more about Chitin at:
It would look like this:
DNA is the buiding block of life
No one can live without it
Along side its sister, rNA that harlet
(idk if you need to include the replication part but here you go)
Replicating with any old DNA sequence
Everyone agrees however, that
People need her for living
Little old rNA sticks around another day
Initiating protien synthesis with DNA after DNA
Carrying information and storing code
A virus may invade a cell
To infect it with its kin
In the end it may prevail
Or perhaps be fended off and killed
No matter what, rna will be there, doing its thang.