According to the law of conservation of energy, A) an object loses most of its energy as friction. B) the total amount of energy for a system stays the same. C) the potential energy of an object is always greater than its kinetic energy. D) the kinetic energy of an object is always greater than its potential energy.


Answer 1
Answer: I did research and got B

Answer 2




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PLEASE HELP HURRY (Physical Science)

Use Newton’s Law to explain why a bowling ball will slow down and stop when rolled in a flat surface, like a street.



Force is must to change the velocity of an object. Force is always equal to the mass of the object times its acceleration.


From the second law of Newton, it  states that the force is the product of mass of an object and its acceleration. Here, when the bowling ball is rolling across a flat surface, frictional force acts on it which oppose the motion of the ball and causes deceleration of the ball. This is an example of rolling friction. Acceleration of the bowling ball depends directly to the force of friction and indirectly to its mass.

Pure,24k gold is very mixing gold with other metals it becomes less what situations would you want to use gold that is not as malleable?


You could use the less malleable mixture of minerals.  Say you have a gold earring this is bad because overtime it goes through lots of wear and tear, the shape of the earring will change. If it was less malleable it will withstand more wear and tear.

List four properties of a candle


  1. Physical properties 
. Its soft 
. Its moldable 
. Its white/translucent without color added 
. Its insoluble in water 
. its soluble in benzene and ether 
. it melts around 120 degrees farenheit 

2. Chemical properties 
. It is a hydrocarbon with around 25 carbon atoms 
. it reacts with oxygen to form water vapor and CO2 
. its nonpolar (not sure if thats physical or chemical)

What subatomic particle of the atom has no electric charge


Neutrons have no electrical charge.

Which best characterizes a crystal


A dense substance that is hard and imcompressible.


A dense substance that is hard and incompressible


  • Crystals are solids that are made up of particles such as molecules, atoms or ions, which are arrange in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice which extends in all directions.
  • Examples of crystals include quartz, that is made up of silicon (iV) oxide molecules that are arranged in a lattice,table salt is another example that is made up of sodium and chloride ions that are arranged in a lattice
  • Crystals are very ordered, they may be made up of atoms of the same elements or atoms of different elements such as in the case of table salt.

What happens when an electron moves to a higher energy level?The atom loses the electron.

The atom becomes more stable.

The electron gains energy.


Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.


When energy is supplied to an electron then on absorption of energy it tends to move from a lower energy level to higher energy level.

And, when this electron moves from higher energy level to lower energy level then excess of energy absorbed by it is released in the form of visible light or radiation.

This emission of energy is also responsible for imparting color to a compound.

Thus, we can conclude that electron gains energy when an electron moves to a higher energy level.


The electrons in an atom exist in various energy levels. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom. When an electron moves from a higher to a lower energy level, energy is released (often as light).


The electrons in an atom exist in various energy levels. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom. When an electron moves from a higher to a lower energy level, energy is released (often as light).