What are some natural sources for cyanide


Answer 1
Answer: It can be found in cigarette smoke, plastic, cassava, Lima beans, and almonds
Answer 2
Answer: Cyanide is found in very many places, some we would never expect. Here's a list of what I know has traces of or has cyanide in it.

Bug Killer (Cyanide gas is used to exterminate pests and vermin in ships and buildings)
Artificial Nail Remover. 
Any sort of 
acetonitrile-based products.
It is used to remove gold from it's ore.
It is present in the chemicals used to make photographs.
Cigarette Smoke
Vehicle Exhaust
Bamboo Shoots.
Lima Beans.
Miscellaneous Fruit Pits.

These are just what I know of, I'm sure there's many more.

Hope this helped! :)

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  • Minerals are inorganic
  • Minerals are solids
  • Menirals have definite chemical composition
  • Minerals have  crystalline structure


  • Minerals are natural

Minerals should be found in nature. Elements made laboratories are not actual minerals like masquerading as rubies or sapphires. All naturally available crystals are not minerals like opal and amber.

  • Minerals are inorganic

Minerals are not under any class of organic compounds. Almost all known minerals come from inorganic processes. Some minerals originate from organic processes like pearls.

  • Minerals are solids

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  • Definite chemical composition

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  • Crystalline structure

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You put in the middle bucause when you put it on the side it reads the temperature of the glass! 

Hopethis helps
You should put it in the middle of he jar beacuse if you put it in he side it will be difficult to understand

For the Haber process,N2+3H2 yields 2NH3, what volume of Nitrogen is consumed at STP if you collect 44.8 L of ammonia in excess hydrogen (N=14 AMU, H=1 AMU)a. 14.9 L
b. 29.9 L
c. 44.8L
d. 22.4 L


Answer: d. 22.4 L


N_2+3H_2\rightarrow 2NH_3

According to Avogadro's law , 1 mole of every gas occupies 22.4 L of volume at STP.

moles of ammonia=\frac{\text {given volume}}{\text {Standard Volume}}=(44.8)/(22.4)=2moles

Given: Hydrogen is the excess reagent and nitrogen is the limiting reagent as it limits the formation of product.

From the given balanced equation:

2 moles of ammonia is produced by 1 mole of nitrogen.

Thus 2 moles of ammonia is produced by 22.4 L of nitrogen at STP as 1 mole of nitrogen occupies 22.4 L at STP.

How many sex chromosomes would be present in an individual with 80 chromosomes?A)2



D) 40


The number of sex chromosomes in an organism is half the number of chromosomes the individual has.

So if the individual has 80 chromosomes, they’ll have 80/2 =40 sex chromosomes.


