Who was the 32 president of the USA?


Answer 1
Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Answer 2
Answer: Frankland D. Roosevelt

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The answer is A.) Something that causes people to leave their country

Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area, ie what pushes them away from their home. Push factors include: 

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Which president spoke out against communism, but worked closely with Mikhail Gorbachev to reduce tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.?a. George H.W. Bush
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Gerald Ford
d. Ronald Reagan


It was American president "d. Ronald Reagan" who spoke out against communism, but worked closely with Mikhail Gorbachev to reduce tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. This was done through direct negotiations. 


d Ronald Reagan

Read the passage from A Confederate Girl's Diary by Sarah Morgan Dawson. Then, respond to the writing prompt. "The North Cannot subdue us. We are too determined to be free. They have no right to confiscate our property to pay debts they themselves have incurred. Death as a nation, rather than Union on such terms. We will have our rights secured on so firm a basis that it can never be shaken. If by power of overwhelming numbers they conquer us, it will be a barren victory over a desolate land. We, the natives of this loved soil, will be beggars in a foreign land; we will not submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty. The North will find herself burdened with an unparalleled debt, with nothing to show for it except deserted towns, burning homes, a standing army which will govern with no small caprice, and an impoverished land. If that be treason, make the best of it!" -A Confederate Girl's Diary, Sarah Morgan Dawson

In one paragraph, explain Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion of the Union army upon her home state of Louisiana. Your response should summarize her viewpoint and cite relevant textual evidence to support your explanation.​



Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion upon Louisiana was that the Confederate was stable and would beat the North when they come. Her diary states, "The North will find herself burdened with an unparalleled debt, with nothing to show for it except deserted towns, burning homes..."  this suggests that she is awfully confident in the ability of the South. Sarah believes that they will get a victory, get their rights secured, and never have to listen to the North again.

Final answer:

Sarah Morgan Dawson believes that the North cannot subdue Louisiana and expresses her refusal to submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty. She predicts that the North will be burdened with debt and left with a desolate land.


Sarah Morgan Dawson's viewpoint about the expected invasion of the Union army upon her home state of Louisiana is that the North cannot subdue them because they are determined to be free. She believes that the North has no right to confiscate their property to pay debts incurred by themselves. She expresses her refusal to submit to despotism under the garb of Liberty and predicts that the North will be burdened with debt and left with a desolate land.

Learn more about Sarah Morgan Dawson's viewpoint on the expected invasion of the Union army on Louisiana here:



The influnce of culture on thinking is called


Cultural psychology . I hope it helps

Which of the following are roles the president carries out under the constitution and tradition?


The first role is the Head Of state
This role enables the president to create the government and choose the secretaries who run various departments found in the United States, for example, the State department or the Department of Defense or anything similar. The president chooses who these people would be and the congress approves of this.

The second is the Chief Diplomat
This role means that the president is in charge of negotiating treaties and deals with other countries, whether it be trade deals or peace talks or similar things. When a president makes a treaty or a deal, the congress chooses whether to ratify it after which it becomes a legitimate treaty that is supported by the US.
The third is the Chief Executive

This role makes the president the chief of the executive branch. This means that the president is ideally in charge of things like the police or the various other executive agencies. He can also sign executive orders which are like laws that are quickly implemented and they go through the supreme court's examination for constitutionality.
The fourth is the Commander in Chief
This means that the president is also the highest ranking military officer of the entire army, including navy, airforce, and all similar types of armies. The president participates with generals in making policies or plans and gets reports from battlefields and similar things and basically controls all things related to the military.
The fifth is the Chief Legislator
The president and his cabinet make laws that are then either adopted by the congress or are disposed. The president also has a huge role in influencing the fate of laws that are made by non-president parties such as various groups since usually the support of the president for a law means that there is a higher chance that it will get passed.
Here are 5 constitutional roles of the president :

- Head Of state
This mean that the president Lead the Government

- Chief Diplomat
The President in charge in handling the relation between United States and other country

- Chief Executive
The president is in charge of the executive branch of the government

- Commander in Chief
The president is the supreme commander of the U.S military forces

- Chief Legislator
The role of president in influencing and making the law

President Nixon was found guilty of the impeachment charges.
a. True
b. False


true - in the Watergate incident, President Nixon was found guilty of impeachment