Well, Information technology became important for business operations, it has helped us learn new things and, keep up to date with the things that happen in every day life. Technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce, technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and the relationships of world wide businesses.
, it has helped us learn new things and, keep up to date with the things that happen in every day life
else is a reserved word in Java, used in conditional statements, so it cannot be a variable name.
alt name
The answer is "other_var".
In java programming language the variable name must be Case-sensitive, and it uses unlimited pattern, beginning from a letter, of Unicode letters and digits, the "$" sign and the underscore " _", and the incorrect choice can be defined as follows:
answer: text
High level programming language
There are two groups of programming software:
1. High level programing: Here you can program using almost natural languaje and making complex instructions on a simpler way. The advantages is faster programming and the ability to do complex programs. In this example we can use languages like C/C++, visualbasic.
2. Low level programming: This type of programing is near to machine language (binary - '0' and '1'), and usually is used to obtain full performance of the processor. But requires a high level of expertise from the programmer and is complex to write simple task, like "store a variable". Example: Assembler languague.
b. infotainment
c. procedural drama
d. soap opera