In 1868 the Tokugawa shôgun ("great general"), who ruled Japan in the feudal period, lost his power and the emperor was restored to the supreme position. The emperor took the name Meiji ("enlightened rule") as his reign name; this event was known as the Meiji Restoration.
the need for field workers
the need for gold miners
the need for soldiers
the need for craftsmen
Can you specify what you mean?
Answer: B, It weakened attempts to abolish slavery. Have a goodnight!
Women now joined the work force and many labored infactories and plants to build weapons and machines while others were part ofthe U.S. army. Hispanics and AfricanAmericans also enlisted and some were able to work at factories. After the war, most of the jobs were given toWhite males, though many women went back to being housewives, many still wantedto be part of the workforce. Minorities were also displaced during this period.
they could own land
they could vote
they could own slaves
they were considered citizens
C. they could own slaves
Mexico's rule of Texas abolished slavery and therefore African-Americans could not own slaves.
why the pen
Skyscrapers reveals the country’s economic, technological and political strength, so it is important for the growth and development of cities.
Long inhabitable high building known as skyscrapers. Recent times, settlements widespreaded from one city to another resulted in no vacuum land between the two cities, it is otherwise known as Conurbation. Long continuous builtup area between the two more cities is called conurbation. It shows the construction technology, uninterrupted communication and production, easy accessible and movement of goods and sustainable cities – these are all important for growth and development. All multi national companies need the uninterrupted and sustainable cities for their institution growth.