List at least three types of compound elements that should use parallel structure


Answer 1

To connect a clause with coordinating conjunction With correlative conjunctions and  With infinitives, three types of compound elements should use parallelstructure.

What is a Parallel structure?

When a sentence seems to have a parallel structure, it signifies that related components of the utterance items in a list or series—have the same grammatical form.

A succession of items must all be nouns, verbs, or plurals, etc. Fine-grained and coarse-grained serial processors are the two different categories. Quite ok parallelism allows tasks to talk one another dozens of times every second and deliver results in real time or very near to real time.

When connecting items or concepts with correlative punctuations, it's crucial that they adhere to the same language structures and serve the same purposes in the sentence. We refer to this as simile. Your writing is clearer and easier to understand when it uses parallel organization.

Learn more about Parallel structure, Here:


Answer 2
Answer: Use parallel structure 1. To connect a clause with a coordinating conjunction 2. With correlative conjunctions and 3. With infinitives

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his or hers

his or her


The best answer is A→(Their).

Which type of poem is classified as a lyric?Ballad





The type of poem from the list that is classified as a lyric is elegy. Option A is correct.

Elegy is a rhymed poem that expresses emotion about death or loss in a three-part method going from grief to praise to solace.

Lyric refers to short poems containing strong emotions, and lack of narration. What is more, subcategories of lyric poems include elegies, odes, and sonnets.  

Just took the test, Elegy is correct

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Please help me with this poem:"Why I Could Not Accept Your Invitation" by Naomi Shihab Nye

I have to be able to list the subject/occasion/ audience/tone and I am not able to do that currently because I do not understand the poem.

Why I Could Not Accept Your Invitation

Besides the fact that your event
is coming up in three weeks
on the other side of the world
and you just invited me now,
your fax contained the following phrases:
action-researched oriented initiative
regionally based evaluation vehicles
culture should impregnate all different sectors
consumption of cultural products
key flashpoints in thematic area.
Don’t get me wrong, I love what you are doing,
believing in art and culture,
there, in the country next to the country
my country has recently been devastating
in the name of democracy,
but that is not the language I live in
and so I cannot come.
I live in teaspoon, bucket, river, pain,
turtle sunning on a brick
Forgive me. Culture is everything
Right about now. But I cannot pretend
a scrap of investment in the language
that allows human beings to kill one another
systematically, abstractly, distantly.
The language wrapped around 37,000,
Or whatever the number today,
Dead and beautiful bodies thrown into hole
Without any tiny, reasonable goodbye.

Naomi Shihab Nye


That's the poem. The speaker says that the event she's been invited to looks as if it's going to be dealing with life and culture as a series of abstractions, as suggested by phrases like these. She is turning down the invitation because she prefers to deal with concrete reality, not with abstract concepts: She goes on to say that abstract language, abstract thinking far removed from the simple realities of everyday life, is something that allows people to dehumanize and kill each other.


To be able to define who the subject is and what the occasion, audience, and tone is, it is strictly important to understand what the poem is about.


   The author begins the poem talking about an event she has been invited to. She slightly complains about how the invitation came late since this event is in less than a month and takes place on the other side of the world. But most importantly, her biggest discomfort lays in the content of the fax she received as an invitation. Some of the fax's sentences included how the event's organizers wanted to include culture in their agenda. The speaker doesn't disagree with this statement but also finds it quite hypocritical, because their "cultural view" will always be around pop culture. She continues the poem and stands up for small cultures and countries that are not in the media's sight and therefore, hidden from society. She thinks there are more important things to take care of than assisting to that event

   With this in mind, it's not difficult to define the subject, occasion, audience, and tone.

-Subject: (what the poem is about) the point the author is trying to make is that people in our society should get out of their comfort zone and give importance to real problems all around the world.

-Occasion: (time, place and context of the piece) the context could be the 21st century since the poem criticizes how our society conceals big problems in third world countries, for example, and focuses on more mundane and shallow issues.

-Audience: (the readers to whom it is directed) people in western countries who are constantly bombarded by media content.

-Tone: (the author's attitude) would describe the author as polite, direct and raw. Very neutral (not negative nor positive)

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In logic, a biconditional is a compound statement formed by combining two conditionals under "and." Biconditionals are true when both statements (facts) have the exact same truth value. A biconditional is read as "[some fact] if and only if [another fact]" and is true when.
A relation between two propositions thats is true only when both propositions are stimultaneously!