Describe how a volcano is formed at a Continental Rift. Be sure to include, in your description, what is occurring at the plate boundary.


Answer 1
Answer: Simply, the stuff that makes up the Earth's mantle is rising at where two plates make a boundary, and when all that stuff reaches the top, it forms a volcano, and more of that stuff continues to push up, making the volcano taller and taller.

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1. reproduction, because "new" cells must replace dead and damage cells, for example blood
2. for growth- tissue repair
3. creation of eggs or sperm

n00nst00p :)
For growth, repair and differentiation

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Why aren't all minerals gemstones?


Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic, crystalline substances. Gemstones are usually made by humans, which means their synthetic and not naturally made. The gemstones that do come from nature are organic like amber, not inorganic.

Not all minerals are considered gemstones because the designation of a gemstone depends on a combination of factors, including its beauty, rarity, durability, and demand in the market. Here are some reasons why not all minerals are classified as gemstones:

Beauty: Gemstones are valued for their aesthetic qualities, including color, clarity, brilliance, and luster. Not all minerals possess these desirable visual characteristics. Some minerals may be dull, opaque, or have unappealing colors that do not meet the standards of what is considered attractive for a gemstone.

Rarity: Gemstones are often associated with rarity, which increases their desirability and value. While many minerals exist abundantly in nature, only a few occur in gem-quality quantities. The scarcity of certain minerals contributes to their classification as gemstones, as they are prized for their relative scarcity compared to more common minerals.

Durability: Gemstones are expected to be durable and withstand the rigors of everyday wear and handling. Not all minerals possess the necessary hardness, toughness, or resistance to scratching and chipping required to be considered suitable for use in jewelry or other decorative purposes. For example, talc, the softest mineral, is not suitable as a gemstone due to its low hardness.

Market Demand: The perception of value and demand for a mineral as a gemstone is influenced by cultural, historical, and fashion trends. The desirability of certain gemstones can change over time, driven by factors such as fashion trends, marketing, and cultural preferences. While a mineral may have the necessary qualities to be classified as a gemstone, if it lacks demand in the market, it may not be widely recognized or used as a gemstone.

It's important to note that gemstones are a subset of minerals, and the distinction between gemstones and other minerals is often subjective and based on human preferences. Some minerals may be considered gemstones in certain contexts or cultures while not being widely recognized as such globally. If you are planning to buy gemstones online then you can visit the CabochonsForSale they have wide collection of gemstone.

Which statements are true of all plants? Check all that apply. All plants are vascular.
All plants are multicellular.
All plants are eukaryotic.
All plants are autotrophic.
All plants need sunlight.
All plants reproduce sexually.


All plants need sunlight
All plants are autotrophic
All plants are Eukaryotic
Some plants, like algae, can be unicellular or multicellular
I don’t think all plants reproduce sexually


All plants need sunlight

All plants are autotrophic

All plants are Eukaryotic


What is the essence of philosophical ethics


In Biology, Ethics explores the morality and problems connected to the uncertain sittuations. An example could be genetics. Some people are unsure of how should we treat genetically modified organisms, is it good or bad to modify them.

Another example could be cloning. There are many people who find cloning of living organisms unethical.


Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. (Answered 7 years late but it’s ok )


What are three similarities between photosynthesis and respiration?


ellular Respiration and Photosynthesis both have an ATP Synthase. These processes both have buildups of H+ and the ATP Synthase transports the hydrogen ions down the concentration gradient. This process is called Chemiosmosis.
Similarities between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration.
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis are both metabolic pathways. This means that the products created in Cellular Respiration are the reactants in Photosynthesis. While the products created in Photosynthesis are the reactants in Cellular Respiration. They are also metabolic pathways within themselves. In Photosynthesis, the products from the first phase (NADPH and ATP) are used in the second phase of Photosynthesis as a source of energy. In Cellular Respiration some products of glycolysis, intermediate step, Krebs Cycle are the reactants in Oxidation Phosphorylation.