He wants forgiveness for sinners
He wants God to let him enter paradise
That he would have rather never been born than live in a world with so much suffering
Just try and stop cheating or you not gonna make it. :)
If people read sources they disagree with, they will learn more about other theories about the subject and, if well argued, they will develop a respectful feeling towards them.
Every source about any subject, even if it doesn't match our personal opinion on something, if it is well argued will create in us a respectful opinion and will help us to know more about the subject and to amplify our knowledge area. It is always a good idea to listen to different opinions ir order to grow in ours or to incorporate/change our believes.
Those people will develop respect for other opinions
They were able to achieve democracy but there was a price. It was always a smooth transition. Some had to deal with the new environment of democracy and had to make adjustments. In some cases, old ethnic conflicts flared into full-scale wars that killed many people in the process. Some are still trying to escape the influence of their former masters.