Divide and simplify radical expressions that contain a single term. You can do more than just simplify radical expressions. You can multiply and divide them, too. You can use your knowledge of exponents to help you when you have to operate on radical expressions this way.
both problems, the Product Raised to a Power Rule is used right away and then the expression is simplified. Notice that both radicals are cube roots, so you can use the rule to multiply the radicands. Look for perfect cubes in the radicand.
I need help with 32-35 please and it’s due tomorrow
32) 11, rational
33) 0.7, rational
34) approximately 3.9, irrational
35) approximately 31.6, irrational
How do you find out if something is as likely as not?
Well if the definition is very probably then it should be easy.
Find the value of: if 3x+2y = 20 and xy =
33pt = blank qt blank pt
33 pints equals 16.5 quarts KEY 1 pints equals 0.5 quarts ~Just simply multiply 0.5 by 33 to get your answer of: 16.5 quarts ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~Hope this helps :)
I assume you want the answer in quarts and then pints with remainder.
2 pt. = 1 qt.
32 pt. = 16 qt.
33 pt. = 16 qt. 1 pt.
Dean is a certified personal trainer, and before taking on new clients, he wants to finalize his pricing plans. One plan is to charge $10 for the initial consultation and then $45 per session. Another plan is to charge $30 for the consultation and $35 per session.
let a be the cost of the fist plan b is the cost of the second plan t is the number of session
a = 45t + 10 b = 35t + 30
solve when will the cost be equal 45t + 10 = 35t + 30 10t = 20 t = 2 after two session plan a will always be more expensive than plan b