How do you punchuate an outline


Answer 1
Answer: You give an example kinda like a sentences with a very uneasy word to pronounce
hope this helps :)

Answer 2
Answer: ^^^^^^ I agree with mimix2k.

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It had come to his knowledge, he said, that a foolish and wicked rumour had been circulated at the time of Boxer's removal. Some of the animals had noticed that the van which took Boxer away was marked "Horse Slaughterer," and had actually jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was being sent to the knacker's. It was almost unbelievable, said Squealer, that any animal could be so stupid. Surely, he cried indignantly, whisking his tail and skipping from side to side, surely they knew their beloved Leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than that? But the explanation was really very simple. The van had previously been the property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out. That was how the mistake had arisen.


Answer: B. Dictatorships use lies to manipulate the populace.

Option B is the one that best expresses the theme of the passage. In this passage, the animals feel horrified when they discover that the horse is about to be sent to the slaughterer. The animals can see with their own eyes that he is being taken by the slaughterer's van. However, the pigs tell the animals that this is simply a confusion and that Boxer was being sent to the vet. This is a clear lie, but it demonstrates how dictatorships often use lies in order to manipulate the populace.

(B).Dictatorships use lies to manipulate the populace.

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This old Chinese proverb symbolizes how humans like their own home more than any home in the world, referring to the humans as birds and home as the nest. A story that can illustrate it: “Arnold is a Brazilian who works as a chef in a boat. He is travelling almost all year and he met incredible people, ate tons of delicious food, saw beautiful landscapes but when it comes to choose, he always will choose going home with his family and have dinner all together”

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I am not certain, but i would say the correct answer is B.

A lacks a comma between hours and we and C shouldn't have a comma between food and so.
Answer: B
A. There should be a comma in between 'hours' and 'we'.
C. A comma before 'so' is not needed.

What is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis


an obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust, sometimes cited as one of the longest words in the English lan-guage. Hope i helped 
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