Which theme does the excerpt from "The Miller’s Tale" in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales reflect?


Answer 1
Answer: The theme of the miller's tale is ridiculing the society and organized religion by showing how corrupt it can be.

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(sorry this is a lot.. but you get 21 points.. i'm horrible everything english && im really behind) + no stolen work.


As the hare fell asleep, he saw the tortoise so far back he was a speck of green. As he slept, he dreamed of him racing across the finish line with the tortoise lagging so far behind he could not be seen. As he crossed the finish line, all the animals congratulated him. When the tortoise at last reached the finish line, he was ridiculed by the other animals. Suddenly, he heard the plod of heavy feet, slow and steady.

DANCE Most people start tapping their feet when they hear lively music. This is not (1. nature)…………….. since
dance is the oldest art form; people have enjoyed it since (2. history)…………….. times, as cave paintings in
northern Spain show. Early dancing was associated with (3. religion)……………..ceremonies and tended to be
ritualistic. Later, it became a form of public (4. entertain)…………….., then a social event.
In traditional folk dancing, basic types of movement reflect cultural (5. ground)……………... The dances
are comprised of stylised, (6. repeat)……………..versions of everyday activities such as hunting or harvesting.
They also frequently use social (7. pursue)…………….. as sources: many folk dances are simplified mimes of
courtship rituals, for instance. The fact that these dances have remained virtually (8. change) ……………..for
hundreds of years indicates that they serve a function far more important than mere enjoyment. Rather, they act
as a confirmation of the participants' way of life, (9. symbol)…………….. rendering familiar tasks, events and
conventions. As everyone jumps, twists and turns in unison, a feeling of (10.together)…………….. is
engendered. In fact, folk dancing is probably one of the earliest forms of bonding.



Most people start tapping their feet when they hear lively music. This is not natural since  dance is the oldest art form; people have enjoyed it since historical times, as cave paintings in  northern Spain show. Early dancing was associated with religious ceremonies and tended to be  ritualistic. Later, it became a form of public entertainment, then a social event.

In traditional folk dancing, basic types of movement reflect cultural background. The dances  are comprised of stylized, repeated versions of everyday activities such as hunting or harvesting.

They also frequently use social pursuance as sources: many folk dances are simplified mimes of  courtship rituals, for instance. The fact that these dances have remained virtually unchanged for  hundreds of years indicates that they serve a function far more important than mere enjoyment. Rather, they act  as a confirmation of the participants' way of life, symbols rendering familiar tasks, events and  conventions. As everyone jumps, twists and turns in unison, a feeling of togetherness is  engendered. In fact, folk dancing is probably one of the earliest forms of bonding.


In the given incomplete passage about how dancing evolved or came to be, the words given in parenthesis are to be used in accordance to the structure and form of the respective sentence.

The blanks in the passage are formed and used as below-

Most people start tapping their feet when they hear lively music. This is not natural since  dance is the oldest art form; people have enjoyed it since historical times, as cave paintings in  northern Spain show. Early dancing was associated with religious ceremonies and tended to be  ritualistic. Later, it became a form of public entertainment, then a social event.

In traditional folk dancing, basic types of movement reflect cultural background. The dances  are comprised of stylized, repeated versions of everyday activities such as hunting or harvesting.

They also frequently use social pursuance as sources: many folk dances are simplified mimes of  courtship rituals, for instance. The fact that these dances have remained virtually unchanged for  hundreds of years indicates that they serve a function far more important than mere enjoyment. Rather, they act  as a confirmation of the participants' way of life, symbols rendering familiar tasks, events and  conventions. As everyone jumps, twists and turns in unison, a feeling of togetherness is  engendered. In fact, folk dancing is probably one of the earliest forms of bonding.

What I can do to promote Americanism and love of country


help the poor people in you country that you see every day that need help.
respect people in your country.
salute your countrys flag.
serve your country.
teach other how to love your country.
tell other how to love your country.
( I love my country, BANGLADESH where i had live before.) i also love america where i live now.)
hope it help you
thank you

Give your opinion on the following statements:Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.


Society usually values controling one's emotions and does not like people causing trouble.
That's why physical aggresion in perceived negativelly in society. 
The fact that someone is resorting to violence means that he wasn't smart enough to find any other way to hurt the other person (or was not smart enough to know that he should look for more sublte way:)