What is the kinetic energy of a baseball moving at a speed of 40 m/s if the baseball has mass of 0.15 kg?


Answer 1
Answer: Kinetic Energy = 1/2 Mass (kg) * velocity squared (m/s)

KE = 1/2mV^2

KE = 1/2(0.15 kg)(40 m/s)^2

The answer is 120 joules.
Answer 2

0.5mv^2 > 0.5*0.15*40*40=120J

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What are two ways in which the suns energy can be captured and used?


The oldest way ... the way we've been using as long as we've been
walking on the Earth ... has been to use plants.  Plants sit out in the
sun all day, capturing its energy and using it to make chemical compounds. 
Then we come along, cut the plants down, and eat them.  Our bodies
rip the chemical compounds apart and suck the solar energy out of them,
and then we use the energy to walk around, sing, and play video games.  

Another way to capture the sun's energy is to build a dam across a creek
or a river, so that the water can't flow past it.  You see, it was the sun's
energy that evaporated the water from the ocean and lifted it high into
the sky, giving it a lot of potential energy.  The rain falls on high ground,
up in the mountains, so the water still has most of that potential energy
as it drizzles down the river to the ocean.  If we catch it on its way, we
can use some of that potential energy to turn wheels, grind our grain,
turn our hydroelectric turbines to get electrical energy ... all kinds of jobs. 

A modern, recent new way to capture some of the sun's energy is to use
photovoltaic cells.  Those are the flat blue things that you see on roofs
everywhere.  When the sun shines on them, they convert some of its
energy into electrical energy.  We use some of what they produce, and
we store the rest in giant batteries, to use when the sun is not there.
It can be used by giving you energy and buring calories

Explain the flow of electrons from the battery through the circuit



Electrons are negatively charged, and so are attracted to the positive end of a battery and repelled by the negative end. So when the battery is hooked up to something that lets the electrons flow through it, they flow from negative to positive.


What is the acceleration of a softball if it has a mass of 0.5 kg and hits the cathers glove with a force of 25n


Acceleration is found if we have the force and mass. 

With the following equation: F = ma, we can find the missing values. 

F = 25n
M = 0.5 kg
a = ?

a = f/m
a = 25/0.5
a = 50

a = 50 m/s

So, the acceleration is 50 m/s^2 

Magnets are often fitted to the doors of refrigerators and cupboards WHY?


So that the door can close more quickly and without you having to push it back. Not sure, but that's what I think.

Final answer:

Magnets are used in the doors of refrigerators and cupboards to keep the doors closed firmly, create a reliable seal, and increase energy efficiency.


Magnets are often fitted to the doors of refrigerators and cupboards for a reason rooted in physics. This setup helps in keeping the doors closed firmly. The magnets are usually embedded in the door seal, creating an attraction with the metal body of the refrigerator or cupboard. This magnetic attraction pulls the door seal flush against the refrigerator when the door is closed, making an airtight seal. As a result, it prevents the cold air inside the refrigerator from escaping, thereby maintaining the interior temperature and ensuring energy efficiency.

Learn more about Magnets here:



When it is cloudy, many of the sun’s rays never reach the Earth. What does this do to the temperature



When it is cloudy, many of the sun’s rays never reach the Earth. It leads to cooler temperatures.


During the day, the sun warms the earth. When the sky is clear, more heat reaches the earth's surface . This leads to warmer temperatures.

However, when the sky is cloudy, a few drops of clouds reflect some of the sun's rays. As a result, less solar energy can reach Earth's surface, causing Earth to heat up more slowly. This leads to cooler temperatures.

If cloudy skies are forecast when forecasting daytime temperatures, expect lower temperatures than you would expect if clear skies were forecast.

Similarly, cloud cover at night has the opposite effect. When the sky is clear, the heat emitted from the earth's surface freely escapes into space, resulting in cooler temperatures.

However, when there are clouds, some of the heat from the earth's surface is captured by the clouds and returned to the earth. As a result, temperatures drop more slowly than when the sky is clear.

The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted. Because of this, the amount of sunlight an area on the planet receives each day variesdepending on the time of year. These variations result in four distinct seasons.
The diagram below shows the Earth at one particular point in its yearly revolution around the Sun.
Image courtesy of NASA
When the Earth is in the position shown above, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the start of
hemisphere is tilted
the Sun
because that



the answer is the one that is tilted away from the sun because that is winter


i hope that i helped