. Which of the following best describes the studies of Muslim philosophers during the Middle ages?a. They only read the Qur'an and other works that had been written by Muslims.
b. They were influenced by philosophers such as Aristotle and by the teachings of Islam.
c. They studied Thomas Aquinas and other Christian philosophers of the Middle Ages.
d. They were highly influenced by Confucius and other Chinese philosophers


Answer 1
Answer: They only read the Qur'an and other works that had been written by Muslims and this best describes the studies of Muslim philosophers during the Middle Ages. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is option "a". The Muslims of the Middle Ages progressed due to their progressive thinking.
Answer 2

My study island said that the answer is B. ( it most likely could be wrong if it is then I'm sorry)

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Answer: Hello, the correct answer for this question is

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