B. Complete the analogies. 1. Right-Handed is to brown eyes as left-handed is to _________.

2. Brown hair is to dominant as red hair is to ________.


Answer 1

Right handed is to brown eyes as left handed is to (Blue eyes).

Brown hair is to dominant as red hair is to (Recessive).

Answer 2

Final answer:

The analogies in the question hint at dominant and recessive traits in genetics. The answers are: 'Right-Handed is to brown eyes as left-handed is to blue eyes' and 'Brown hair is to dominant as red hair is to recessive'.


Analogies often help to create a parallel between two circumstances or concepts with similar attributes. To complete these analogies, we must understand the underlying principle.

  1. Right-Handed is to brown eyes as left-handed is to blue eyes. This analogy is hinting at the concept of dominant and recessive traits. Brown eyes are dominant in genetics, while blue eyes are recessive, just as right-handedness is dominant and left-handedness is recessive.
  2. Brown hair is to dominant as red hair is to recessive. Again here, the analogy is pointing towards the concept of dominant and recessive traits. Brown hair is a dominant trait while red hair is considered a recessive trait in genetics.

Learn more about Genetics here:



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Final answer:

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Learn more about Artificial Acquired Immunity here:



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