Need help on science please!
cuddlybear avatar


Answer 1
Answer: Fossil fuels are formed when dead, buried, and decomposing organisms are compressed under extreme pressure and heat for millions of years. We need other sources of fuel today... strictly speaking you don't. But if we hold off developing alternatives until the fossil fuels truly run out, then there will be absolute chaos getting the new ones available. Thats all i got

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A 10.0 kilogram mass of iron on earth exerts a downward force of 98 Newtons. On the moon this same 10.0 kilograms of iron is weighed and found to exert a downward force 16.3 Newtons. How is this possible ?


The weight of an object is the force it experience by the gravitational pull of the planet. The gravitational pull by earth is greater than that from moon. This leads to greater weight in earth than in moon.

What is gravitational force ?

Gravitational force is a kind of force by which an object attracts other objects into its center of mass. The force exerted between the objects depends on the mass and distance between them.

Earth exerts a gravitational pull to every objects on its surface and that's why we are standing on the ground. We experience a weight downwards due to this force.

The acceleration due to gravity  in earth = 9.8 m/s²

g in moon = 1.63m/s².

then weight = m g

the weight of a 10 kg iron bar in earth is 98 N and that in moon will be 16.3 N.

Find more on gravitational force:



The decrease in the downward force that a mass of iron can exert on the moon versus the force it exerts on earth is due to:

  • The force of gravity on Earth is greater than the force of gravity on the moon.


To recognize the calculation within the statement, you must know that the Newton unit is equal to:

  • Newton = (Kilogram * meter) / second ^ 2

And that the gravities of the Earth and the Moon are:

  • Earth gravity = 9.807 m / s ^ 2
  • Moon gravity = 1.63 m / s ^ 2

Finally, you must know the force formula (since we are talking about a descending force):

  • Force = mass * acceleration (gravity is a measure of acceleration)

Since the mass in both cases is the same (10 kilograms), the variation in acceleration will provide different values of descending force, as shown below, replacing the values:

  1. Downward force on Earth = 10 Kg * 9,807 m / s ^ 2 = 98.07 Kg * m / s ^ 2 = 98.07 Newtons.
  2. Downward force on the Moon = 10 Kg * 1.63 m / s ^ 2 = 16.3 Kg * m / s ^ 2 = 16.3 Newtons.

As you can see, when it comes to force, the less acceleration (in this case less gravity), the lower the downward force will be with a mass of equal weight.

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Some people think that because they exercise everyday, they can eat whatever they want. Is this true or false? Also, does the food you enter into your body affects the way you perform when you exercise? Yes or No, and why? Please justify your answers and respond to two other classmates.


Answer: False

Explanation: This is false because, just because you exercise doesn't mean that it's going to reduce the amount of fat or sugar you just put into your body. Eating healthy and exercising is the way to go. Yes, what you eat does affect the way you perform your work out, you can have a side ache or you may throw up. You aren't even supposed to eat before working out.


Just because you exercise everyday doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want. So that statement is false.

The food you eat can affect the way you perform when you exercise.


If you exercise then go home and eat a whole bag of chips what's the point of exercising. You need to have a balanced diet because whats the point of trying to lose weight just so you can gain it back or some more.

If you eat unhealthy foods that have grease,a lot of sodium, ect. It can affect the way you perform your exercises. If you..for example.. eat a lot of food with sodium (like salt) it can mess with your ovary which can cause health problem.

The force of gravity down on the boy= 300NThe boy's weight down on the floor= 300N
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The net force on the boy is zero.

Based on this analysis, I would expect the boy to not accelerate.

The net force of the boy is 300N=><=300N which equals a net force of 0N.

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 transformation of energy that takes place when a slingshot launches a stone is elastic potential energy tokinetic energy.

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A object that circles around a planet is called a satellite.
an object that circles around a planet is a satellite. earth's satellite is the moon.
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