B. Resolution
The excerpt shown is taken from the epic work "The Legend of Beowulf". This excerpt corresponds to the resolution of a conflict created by the character Unferth. Unferth is a very envious character, he is jealous of all the honor that Beowulf has won and created a conflict, when he spoke drunk that Beowlf was not as good a swimmer as he seemed. According to Unferth, Beowlf was weak, unworthy and Breca was a very swimmer. better than Beowulf.
The excerpt shows Beowulf's response to Unferth's statements. Beowlf brought a resolution to the conflict created by Unferth, without fighting, or insulting anyone. Beowlf calmly explains the reasons why he is the best swimmer and his calm and serenity shows everyone that he, besides being the best swimmer, is worthy of all the honor he already has.
In this sermon, versions of which King had preached as early as 1954, King laments that “too many of our white brothers are concerned merely about the length of life rather than the breadth of life.”1 He suggests that with reordered priorities “the jangling discords of the South would be transformed into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.” King’s theme and content reflect the influence of abolitionist minister Phillips Brooks’s sermon “The Symmetry of Life.”2 After this morning sermon, King traveled to Boston to deliver “The Future of Integration” at the Ford Hall Forum. The following transcript was drawn from an audio recording.
I would also agree, that The woman in the blue dress is the complete subject
The= article
(in the blue dress)= prepositional phrase... in being the preposition, the being the article word, blue being the adjective, and dress being the object of the preposition
hurried= would act as your verb
across the street= another prepositional phrase
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
Ambrose Bierce belonged to the literary movement called realism. Generally he used a characteristic style, especially in his stories: an abrupt start, dark images, vague references to time, limited descriptions, impossible events and the theme of war. Profoundly misanthropic, expressed in his writings his distrust of the human race, distrust expressed with a critical attitude that earned him the nickname of Bitter Bierce