In standard form, Sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight can be written as 69108.
The standard form may be defined as the way of representing the numbers in a systematic format that follows certain rules and regulations.
It is a method of writing a given mathematical concept like an equation, number, or an expression in a form that follows certain rules.
For example, Sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight can be written as:
69108: where 8 is at one's position, 0 is at tens position, 1 is at hundred positions, 9 is at thousand positions, and 6 is at the ten-thousands position.
Therefore, sixty-nine thousand one hundred eight in standard form can be figured as 69108.
To learn more about the Standard form, refer to the link:
b. My Father has just won a trip to australia.
c. My father has just won a trip to Australia.
d. My Father has just won a trip to Australia.
The sentence that is written correctly is C. My father has just won a trip to Australia.
A. is wrong because Australia is a proper noun and should be capitalized.
B. is wrong because father in this case is not a proper noun and should not have been capitalized and Australia is a proper noun and should be capitalized.
D. is wrong because father in this case is not a proper noun and should not have been capitalized.
Hope this helps.:)