In North America, I have photographed cactus plants from Mexico to Canada, and I think Arizona cacti are the most beautiful.Which capitalized word is used as an adjective?


Answer 1


"Arizona" is the adjective in the sentence.


Adjectives are those words that add to, modify or describe a noun in a more specified way. They give more meaning and description to the nouns or pronouns they are associated to. In the following sentence-

"In North America, I have photographed cactus plants from Mexico to Canada, and I think Arizona cacti are the most beautiful."

the writer is talking of the various cactus plants that he/she had photographed. And among those, he finds the Arizona cacti the most beautiful. By naming the cacti as a specific being, 'Arizona' is used as an adjective in this case as it gives the description of the particular cactus that the narrator finds most beautiful.

Answer 2
Answer: Arizona is describing cacti, which makes it an adjective.  

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Ask either of the men who are in front of the doors: "If you were the other man, which door would you tell me leads to the 2 million dollars?" 

The truth-teller, positioning himself as a liar, will say the door which does not have the 2 million dollars.
The liar, positioning himself as a truth-teller, will also say the door which does not have the 2 million dollars because he is a liar.

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It was rumored that she kept a CSA pistol concealed among her numerous shawls and wraps.


Hope this was helpful

Shakespearean sonnets begin with _____ and end with a(n) _____



quatrain; couplet


A Shakespearean sonnet begins with a quatrain and ends with a couplet. This type of sonnet is comprised of three quatrains and a couplet. Moreover, they have a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. This type of poem is also called English sonnet. Although it receives Shakespeare's name, many authors used this form before Shakespeare.

There are two main types of sonnets. 
Petrarchan and Shakespearean. 

Petrarchan begins with a octave (eight lines that set up the issue at hand), and ends with a sestet (six lines usually a resolution). 

Shakespearean begin with three quatrains, which develop three similar ideas and end with a couplet.

What type of figurative language is the line, "I got out of bed as the sun peeked its head over the horizon."





Personification is a figurative language where a writer attributes human qualities to a non-human entity, an abstract idea or element. It allows the abstract idea or theme to have human characteristics, and make it seem like it is like a human.

So, in the given sentence, the sun is personified as a living human being that "peeked its head over the horizon". This act of "peeking" is a human quality where the sun is like a human being capable of human actions. Thus, the figurative language used in the given line is personification.

The Niagara Movement urged African Americans to earn degrees in liberal arts and provide the African-American community with well-educated leaders.a. True
b. False


This is true, so the correct answer is A).


A. true


Read the sentence.The orator spokeWhich sentence ending would make the verbspoke a transitiveverb?to the crowdat lengthfor three hoursthe truth


Well a transitive verb's are verbs that are done to someone or something. 
So I would say the answer you chose is correct. :D