Capillaries are the smallest of all your blood vessels, only visible under a microscope. They link the arterioles to the venules. Capillaries were discovered by Marcello Malphigi in 1661. There are 10 billion capillaries in your body.
the elements present in the star's atmosphere
The spectrum showing dark lines is an absorption spectrum. The dark lines actually indicated the energy absorbed by the elements present in the atmosphere of the star.
The elements absorb particular wavelengths and reach higher energy state. The absorbed wavelengths appear as dark lines in the spectrum.
B. motor neuron -> interneuron -> sensory neuron
C. interneuron -> sensory neuron -> motor neuron
D. None of these
Answer:sensory nuerone to internuerone to motor neurones
The sensory nuerone usually receive inputs from the receptors cells in the skin,organs,and other parts of the body.
These receptors send signals as action potential to the spinal cord to the brain.(CNS).
Synapse take place at the synaptic junctions, in the spinal cord with the internuerone.
The latter transmit the action potential to the motor neuron which synapse with the internuerone and transmita signal to the neuromuscular junction where it synapse with the muscels at the toe.
The action potentials causes influx of calcium ions and the relase of acetylcholine neurotransmitters for action potential to reach the toe muscles (effector)for contraction
A) A negative
B) O negative
C) B positive
D) AB negative
E) impossible to determine