Answer:Geologic Stage. During the beginning of the Archean Eon, about 4 billion years ago, as the frequency of meteorite impacts slowed, the Earth cooled, clouds formed, and the crust began to harden from the molten globe. The Earth was still a one-plate planet before the inception of plate tectonics.
Explanation:ended 2,500 million years ago
As mention in the question, the car was moving then every object inside the car was also in the motion state with the same velocity as the car had. when the brake applied on the car, the brake only stopped the motion of the car than the objects inside it. According to the first law of motion, due to inertia, the body keeps its state intact until an external force applies to change its state. Because of inertia, the coffee inside the cup was in moving state with the car. When brake applied the coffee spilled out of the car to maintain its state and spread all around. If the cup would keep out of the cup holder, It will move also forward on the applied brake.
-PET scan
A PET scan uses radioactive markers in the blood to monitor blood flow and metabolic activity via x-ray
-A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that helps reveal how the tissues and organs are functioning. A PET scan uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show this activity. This scan can sometimes detect disease before it shows up on other imaging tests.
-A PET scan is used to diagnose certain health conditions, to plan treatment, to find out how an existing condition is developing, and to see how effective a treatment is.
-In a PET scan, a machine detects radiation that is emitted by a radiotracer. A radiotracer consists of radioactive material that is tagged to a natural chemical, such as glucose.