O False
True - this is the correct answer. So-called post-mortem photography was popular in Victorian times and society. This was because most of the families did not have enough money to make casual everyday photos with family. Therefore, if someone died unexpectedly, the family would pose with their body as if they were alive. They would place the body, hold it with different techniques, often making it look as alive as possible. Other times, the deceased would be placed to look as if they are asleep. Victorian society has various complicated rituals concerning death and dying, and mortality wasn’t a taboo topic, therefore, this was not seen as weird or morbid at the time.
False – this is the wrong answer. We have photo evidence that people posted with deceased loved ones for photography, mostly during the Victorian period.
If you don't want to read its True
2. Prehistoric art
3. Shigir Idol
4. Shamanism
5. Prehistory
6. Potter’s wheel
A. Estimated to have been created in 7500 BCE, it is the oldest known wooden sculpture. The sculpture is of a human, although the body is flat and covered with geometric motifs.
B. The time before writing was invented
C. A revolving stand that can be used to form clay
D. Outlines of images on stone, wood, or other materials, where the background is carved away from the outlines so that the outlines stand out
E. Involves a religious practice where a practitioner or shaman reaches an altered state of consciousness through trance in order to interact with the spiritual world
F. Art produced before writing
1. D
2. F
3. A
4. E
5. B
6. C
1. Reliefs: Outlines of images on stone, wood, or other materials, where the background is carved away from the outlines so that the outlines stand out
2. Prehistoric art: Art produced before writing
3. Shigir Idol: Estimated to have been created in 7500 BCE, it is the oldest known wooden sculpture. The sculpture is of a human, although the body is flat and covered with geometric motifs
4. Shamanism: Involves a religious practice where a practitioner or shaman reaches an altered state of consciousness through trance in order to interact with the spiritual world
5. Prehistory: The time before writing was invented
6. Potter’s wheel: A revolving stand that can be used to form clay
1. F
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. B
6. C
b. choose the best source that relates to your project.
c. wait to create your sources page until you have completed your research.
d. blend the reference format styles to create one that works best for your project.
No, we are the hunters!
Not knowing the name of the trampled flower
The fallen bird yearns for the wind to come
No matter how much you pray, nothing will change
What changes this moment is the determination to fight
Pigs that sneer at the resolve to climb over corpses and advance
Have peace as livestock, live in false prosperity, and be as free as starved wolves!
The humiliation of captivity is the beginning of the counterattack. Beyond the walls, the prey is slain by Jäger
His body burned by an overflowing urge to kill, he will pierce the twilight with scarlet
With the crimson bow and arrow!
Draw the bow and chase it, don't let the enemy escape
Fire the arrow and corner it, never let the enemy escape
The bowstring pulled until it is about to snap
Endless volleys continued, until the target drops dead
It is not the weapon nor the skill
that kills the prey
but the definite will to kill itself
We are the hunters hot as flames!
We are the hunters cold as ice!
We are the hunters! Draw yourself into the arrow!
We are the hunters! Pierce all that comes before you!
Those that can accomplish their goal
Are those that can discard for their goal
To think that a dream can come true without taking a single risk...
Foolish indecisiveness, nothing more than an illusion, what even now maybe reckless bravery...
The pawn of liberty...the charge of the assault
Victory to the slave that runs!
The absurdity in life is the beginning of the onslaught
The stolen lands, the world itself as Eren desires,
As unstoppable rage penetrates him, to the dusk he brings violet skies
The bow and arrow of Hell
It's from AOT guren no yumiya
im a weeb Duh
Answer: A)perceiving, because, as a blind man, he realized you did not need to perceive to understand the world around you.
B. Projecting
That persons answer is not correct, It is Projecting!