In terms of atomic structure what is an Atoms atomic number


Answer 1
Answer: the atomic number is the average number of protons and neutrons in an atom this is found by looking at the number below the main number on the periodic table.
Answer 2

Answer: An atom a fundamental piece of matter. ... An atom itself is made up of three tiny kinds of particles called subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and the neutrons make up the center of the atom called the nucleus and the electrons fly around above the nucleus in a small cloud.


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What is the electron configuration of an element with atomic number 20?


Answer: 1s^22s^22p^63s^23p^64s^2

Explanation: The element with atomic number 20 consists 20 electrons and  as atomic number is specific to an element, atomic number is of element calcium.

The nearest noble gas to calcium is argon with 18 electrons with configuartion 1s^22s^22p^63s^23p^6 according to afbau's rule, in which orbitals are arranged in order of increasing energies.

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Which best describes the oxidizing agent in this reaction? Cl2(aq) + 2Brmc003-1.jpg(aq) mc003-2.jpg 2Clmc003-3.jpg(aq) + Br2(aq)


The balanced chemical equation is this:
Cl2(aq) + 2Br-(aq) --> 2Cl- + Br2(aq)

Looking at each substance involved in the reaction:
Cl2 has 0 charge and gains a charge of -1 after the reaction
Br- has a charge of -1 but turns to 0 after the reaction

Cl2 gained an electron which means it is the reduced substance
Br- lost an electron which means it is the oxidized substanced
Consequently, Cl2 is the oxidizing agent and Br- is the reducing agent.


Bromine (Br) loses an electron, so it is the reducing agent.



While camping up at Haloooo Mountain (5,500 feet above sea level), it generally takes Sandy about the same amount of time to boil water for her soup as it takes to make a sandwich. This week, Sandy is camping at a trail that is only about 200 feet above sea level. Sandy is very hungry and wants something to eat immediately. Should she make the soup or sandwich? Which would be ready more quickly and why?


She should make soup. When you are way above sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Boiling starts when the vapor pressure of the liquid is the same with the atmospheric pressure. This would mean that water boils at a much lower temperature than the usual 100deg C. So it would take longer for the components in the soup to cook compared to when it is cooked on the foot of the mountain. 

You are given an unknown liquid that has a density of 0.98 g/mL. It's volume is 39.63 mL. What is the mass of the unknown liquid?



38.8 g


Density is just mass divided by volume, so if you know 2 of those 3 things you can solve for the other one.

Let's write it as:  D = m/v

We know D, and we know v, so solve for m:

m = Dv

Now just plug in the the known values:

m = (0.98 g/ml)( 39.63 ml) = 38.8 g

(Notice how ml cancelled out, leaving grams, which is what we wanted for mass.)

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Carbon (5)

Write the name of each of the following Ionic Compounds: Ba3(PO4)2 , MgSO4 , PbO2


1. Barium phosphate
2. Magnesium sulphate
3. Lead(IV) oxide

Final answer:

Ba3(PO4)2 is Barium Phosphate, MgSO4 is Magnesium Sulfate, and PbO2 is Lead (IV) Oxide or Plumbic Oxide.


The Ionic Compounds you have mentioned are named as follows:

  • Ba3(PO4)2 is named Barium Phosphate.
  • MgSO4 is named Magnesium Sulfate.
  • PbO2 is named Lead (IV) Oxide or Plumbic Oxide. Always remember for ionic compounds containing transition metals (like Pb), we have to indicate the charge of the cation.

Learn more about Ionic Compounds here: