Leia o texto e escolha a alternativa correta. “A maioria dos adolescentes que estão em plena fase de descoberta do amor não levam a informação a sério, mas a cárie é sim uma doença contagiosa. De acordo com os dentistas, o beijo na boca é uma prática totalmente saudável.” O texto viola a metarregra de:a.
O texto não viola nenhuma metarregra.


Answer 1
Answer: This is in Portugeus and it means Read the text and choose the correct alternative. "Most teens who are in full phase of discovery of love do not take the information seriously,but the decay is rather a contagious disease. . According to dentists, the kiss on the mouth is a totally healthy practice "The text violates metarregra of:The.The text does not violate any metarregra.B.relationship.c.nãocontradição.d.repetition.and.progression.

I think the answer is A.

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Which sentence is written correctly? A.
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The answer would be C because every other answer has a double negative like, "couldn't give none" which is grammatically incorrect.
C. Barney can't do anything about the outcome of the game.


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Trupa noastră preferată a decis să vină în orașul nostru în turneu în sezonul estival. Eu și prietenii mei am adus cu toții bilete și am fost foarte încântați să le vedem performând. Ne-am îmbrăcat și am mers la concert.

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How do you write I am 10 years old in japenese ( hiragana )


Just to add a couple of remarks to Konrad509's answer.

Yes, one of the right answers is:
      [watashi ha juu-sai desu.]

In kanji it looks like this: 

If you wanted to customize your sentence a little bit then I would suggest changing the first person pronoun to something else. Therefore, if you're a girl, you might to use あたし [atashi] instead of わたし (私) [watashi]; if you're a teenage boy who wants to sound cool on the other hand, you might want to use おれ (俺) [ore]. 

Also you might want to add よ [yo] at the end of the whole sentence to sound more amiably. 

I hope that it clears everything up for you. If you had more questions, you can just write to me personally ;)


Propozitii cu S+P+C+C+A+A+C


the answer is +C for propozitii cu

Where does the following probably take place? Norma looked for the big dipper and the north star


The big dipper can be found in the constellation Ursa Major also known as the great bear. It can be found in the northern hemisphere. The northern star can be found at the end of the big dipper constellation.

Hope it helps :)

it is located in the sky by the northern star