The modifier that can be used to make a comparison is the word "large." Total, infinite and equal are not possible to make a comparison between objects. The word 'large' can be used as comparison through the word "larger".
Underlined words: Continuing to stir the soup
correctly placed participial phrase
misplaced participial phrase
b. compound verb
c. compound object
a character with complex personality traits.
A round character in a story makes reference to a character that has been deeply and extensively developed so that his or her personality traits, motives, ideas, and motivations are complex, attractive and problematic enough to be able to feed the storyline, the action, and the conflicts in the story. The opposite of a round character would be a flat character.
a character with complex personality traits is the answer :)
Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood
That fears a painted devil.”
A. Macbeth
B. Malcolm
C. Banquo
D. Lady Macbeth
(A) Macbeth says this Act 2, Scene 2
She is imploring the 'infirm of purpose' or coward that the sleeping and dead are but pictures and can do no harm. And that only children are afraid of scary pictures.