How do the tallest mountains of South Asia compare to the tallest U.S. Mountain?


Answer 1
Answer: Mount McKinley is the tallest US mountain and Mount Everest is the tallest southwest asian mountain. The tallest mountains in southwest asia are taller than the tallest mountains in the US
Answer 2

Final answer:

Mount Everest in South Asia is the tallest mountain in the world at 8,848 meters, significantly taller than the United States' tallest mountain, Denali, which is 6,194 meters high. Factors such as gravity and tectonic activity can influence the height mountains can reach.


The tallest mountain in South Asia, Mount Everest, is also the tallest mountain in the world, standing at approximately 8,848 meters above sea level. In contrast, the tallest mountain in the United States is Denali (also known as Mount McKinley), in Alaska, which stands about 6,194 meters above sea level. Therefore, Mount Everest in South Asia is significantly taller than Denali in the United States. It's important to note that various factors such as gravity and tectonic activity can contribute to the heights that mountains can reach. For instance, even though Mars has less surface gravity and unifying plates, its tallest mountain Olympus Mons is more than double the height of Mount Everest or any mountain on Earth for that matter.

Learn more about Mountain Heights here:


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