11.037 can be written in words as "eleven and thirty-seven thousandths" or as "eleven plus three divided by ten squared plus seven divided by ten cubed."
To write 11.037 in words,
We can start by breaking down the number into its individual digits.
The 1 before the decimal point represents one whole unit, and the 1 after the decimal point represents one tenth.
The next three digits, 0, 3, and 7, represent three hundredths, seven thousandths, and thirty-seven ten-thousandths, respectively.
So, to write 11.037 in words, we can say "eleven and thirty-seven thousandths." We can also express the numerical value using exponents, as follows:
11 + 0.037 = 11 + 3/100 + 7/1000
We can convert the fractions to powers of 10 by multiplying the numerator and denominator of each fraction by 10.
This gives us:
11 + 3/100 + 7/1000 = 11 + 3/10² + 7/10³
Therefore, we can write 11.037 in words as "eleven and thirty-seven thousandths" or as "eleven plus three divided by ten squared plus seven divided by ten cubed."
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____ Identify: Mrs. Gonzales’ time is unknown
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____ Strategize: Let x = Mrs. Gonzales’ time
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Please tell me if im wrong!
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